Cave time

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Chap 21: Cave time
Karma's POV

The walk to the cave wasn't fun at all. But I guess nothing about this was exactly "fun". Losing the love of your life to a goddess the day after you confessed to him, isn't exactly anyone's idea of fun. In fact, I'd rather be teasing him, or beating Terasaka up or something,  to me that was much calmer than stressing over what that lady could be doing to my blueberry.

Like, what was she thinking? Nagisa doesn't belong to anyone. Not even me, I'm only someone who can help him, and keep him happy, I'm not his owner. But she went full owner on him, literally draining his energy so she could take over his body. She's crazy.

But throughout it all my father's words echoed inside my head, "He could easily kill and get rid of it". Nagisa could get rid of her, easily in fact. So why wasn't he? He was suffering so much, and all he had to do was get her out of his life, but he wouldn't. I could only sigh, if it were me in that situation I wouldn't of hesitated to either get rid of her or knock her out. So I couldn't help but feel confused as to why he wouldn't just get rid of her already.

I guess in all that confusion I managed to attract my father because soon enough I felt him lay his arm on me with a sad sounding sigh. "You doing alright?" he asked. I considered his question for a moment and frowned, "just peachy" I responded. He shook his head and stayed quiet as the two of us walked. At one point he retracted his arm from my neck and began to awkwardly fiddle with his fingers. "So, uh, would you like to talk about it?" he asked.

For a moment I just stared at him. This was the weirdest thing I've ever heard that old man say. I mean, just think about it. Draco, the almighty god of devils and dragons is asking me if I wanted to talk about my feelings. And to make it better, he is twiddling his thumbs like an awkward schoolgirl asking the guy she liked on a date.

Oh my god this is perfect.

First I started out with a small chuckle, but then as I thought of it more and more, I ended up bursting into a fit of laughter. Of course Draco was shocked about this and constantly asked me what was wrong, which actually led to me laughing harder. This tough guy was trying to hard to be sympathetic with me.

Kayano, Kanzaki, and Sugino were actually really surprised as well since right as I started to cry laugh they ran over to me. But even their sympathy was funny. Yet, I luckily managed to calm down after a series of me thinking over how we had no time to be wasting, and I wiped away one last tear. "Sorry, it's just" I took a moment to get a chuckle out, "it's just that I never expected that you guys would be so sympathetic towards me" I sighed.

At this the whole class deadpanned, and Koro-sensei who was practically having a heart attack trying to find out what was wrong with me, just froze in his place with the most neutral expression I've ever seen. "Really?" Isogai asked. I nodded as I waved at Koro-sensei, "yup" I respond and the whole class follows my gaze to the frozen octopus. Everyone groaned as they saw him, and a group of students went to grab some of his tentacles so they could drag him along, "thanks a lot Karma" Terasaka commented as he took a tentacle, "you broke him" he spat, to which I only grinned, then slowly bowed down to say, "it was my pleasure" then walk off.

I smiled to myself as I walked ahead of the group and sighed as I looked ahead. I didn't know how long we still had to go, all I knew was that we had a destination. I thought for a moment whether I could call Ash to fly me over to the cave, but then remembered that if I did that then the whole class would have to ride him. But then again, Ash is huge. But then the risks of ri- I stopped the thought right there, when did I ever think of risks or safety? So without further hesitation, I stopped, whistled as loud as I could, and then waited as the rest of the class caught up.

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