Karaoke time (part one)

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Chap 15: Karaoke time (part one)

Nagisa's POV

Today was my second day with the class. We had spent the first day building teamwork, by doing various exercises and even made a human pyramid.

I didn't know what today would be, and I was really excited to see what was in store, but when I got there I found out it was going to be just a normal day. Meaning a full day of learning about the gods. Fun.

"Hey Nagisa!" Karma called as he ran into the classroom. Eden and I turned to him and smiled, "hey Karma!" I say looking up at him. The two of us talked for a bit about the whole pyramid thing yesterday, and broke out into a fit of laughter as we remembered what had happened in the end.

"Ah, I wish we could do that again, but knowing Karasuma, he's going to just teach us some history" he sighed, laying his head back in the process. I nodded, "yeah, but maybe the two of us can do something after school?" I say earning a smile from the sadist, "it's a date" he joked before running off, leaving me a blushing mess.

"Karma!" I yell as he walked away. He laughed loudly as he sat down, and I sighed as I sunk back into my seat. Kayano snorted behind me and I rolled my eyes, "glad to know you're on my side" I say looking back at her. She laughed and threw her hands up, "hey, don't get me into this" she said, but before I could say something back the door to the classroom opened and Karasuma came in to start lessons.

As he went up to the board he wrote the title for the day and I groaned, "meanings behind the god's powers" it read. Today was going to be a long day, and even Eden seemed to think that to, as he slumped into my arm to fall asleep.


The bell rang, signaling that it was time for lunch and everyone cheered as they ran out of the classroom. Karma, Kanzaki, Kayano, Sugino and I went out to our familiar spot to eat. I took out my lunch box and began to eat my PB&J sandwich.

While I was eating my sandwich I felt a buzz emit from my pocket and pulled my phone out.

Okuada: Hey Nagisa! I was just wondering if you and your boyfriend would like to join some friends and I for karaoke?
Okuda: I really don't want to seem awkward so I thought having a good friend come along would help.

My eyes widened at the text. Okuda and I had gotten in the habit of talking a lot, and since I don't have much time I've been texting her a ton. She still believes that I'm a girl, so I'm like one of her girlfriends, if that makes any sense?

"Karma" I call looking for the red-head. Once I found him, I noticed that he was seeing how many gummy bears he could fit into Sugino's mouth. He turned to me and smiled innocently, as he pulled his hand away from Sugino's mouth.

The girls stared at him grossed out, and while his attention was on me, Kanzaki helped Sugino empty all the gummy bears out of his mouth. "Yeah Nagisa?" he smiled. I shook my head a bit, "I just got a text from Okuda, she wants to know if we'd like to go do some karaoke" I say showing him the text.

"Karaoke! I love karaoke!" Kayano cheered, clasping her hands together, "can I come" she asks. Karma handed my phone back to me and nodded, "yeah, I'd like to go. And I guess Kayano can tag a long, but ask Okuda first" he said nodding towards the phone.

I smiled as I began to type my response.

Nagisa: Yeah! Karma and I would love to go and sing some karaoke with you all! But if it's okay, a friend of ours wants to come as well, can they?

As I pressed send, I waited a few moments until I heard a familiar ding.

Okuda: Of course! That's perfectly fine! The boy who's taking us father's really rich, and rented a huge room for us.

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