Power time

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Chap 28: Power time

Nagisa's POV

Things have definitely been strange since the talk I had with my mom. For one, she left. She ended up going back to the cave right after I went off with Karma. Karasuma never really gave me enough details, but all he told me was that my mom just left with a strange look on her face.

He told me it wasn't mad, nor was it sad. Instead, he told me it looked determined. And I didn't know what to make of that. What was she determined to do? I could tell that Karasuma had been thinking she would try to steal me back, but I shot down the idea immediately. My mom wouldn't do that again. I saw the look in her eye as we spoke, and she knew that if she wanted me back, she would have to do it the right way. Plus, she already knows how dangerous it is to even try it again.

But even with my reasoning. Karma, who had been with me when he heard about her leaving, wasn't convinced. He got extremely paranoid about everything. And sure, it was pretty cute in the beginning since he would constantly ask if I was okay, but now it was getting to a point in which I wanted him to shut up.

And he knew that I wanted him to stop. But he always countered with, "I'm just trying to keep you safe," and, "well I need to make sure since you didn't tell me the last time."

That last one hurt a bit when he said that one as well. But I knew that was his motive, he wanted me to understand how he felt when he found out I wasn't telling him about my control-freak mother was trying to kidnap me.

So I always just sighed and nodded at him, enduring the countless questions he asked me. But I was kind of lucky about one thing. With him asking all the questions meant I got to hang out with him a lot. Which meant I got a lot of hugs, kisses, and about anything I wanted. Literally, I just had to ask him for something and he gave it to me no matter the price.

It was kind of funny to watch him scramble around, trying to get what I wanted for me. And I always enjoyed the smiles he produced when I thanked him. He was kind of acting like a dog, and to him, I looked like, well, a god.

He gave me everything that I wanted with no fear, and although many people would abuse this, I mostly just asked him for cuddle sessions and things like that. After all, I just loved spending time with him. I've never been the expensive type, fortunately enough for Karma because that meant he didn't  have to run off to get me all these expensive items. All I really needed was affection, and for him to shut up. But I only got one of those.

So for payment for his love, he talked, teased, and questioned me to no end. I thought I would go nuts because of it all. Especially since most of his stories are about some fight he got into, and how he had to get the witnesses to keep quiet about it, and take the guy or girl to the hospital. It was always so brutal to hear about it, but he always got so into telling the story that he didn't care about the horrified look in my face and continued on.

Great, huh? But what made things very embarrassing though, was the fact that Karma would do all this at school as well. Meaning, he would actually take me to some shady tree and cuddle me with no shame whatsoever. Oh, and then he'd excitedly include the class in his story, not caring when others left beside me, he'd always make sure I was there. And lastly, he would do anything to embarrass me in front of the whole class.

For example, one day during lunch Karma noticed that I was eating some pudding and got a "brilliant" idea. So he stole my pudding from my hands, dug the spoon into it until he got a good amount on and held it out for me. But when I reached to take it from his hand, he pulled away and pointed to his mouth and made the "ahh" noise. I remember my face brightening as I realised what he was going to make me do. He wanted to feed me my pudding, in front of all our friends. I could hear all them "ooh," at me in a teasing manner as I closed my eyes and took the bite, not realizing that all around us people were taking pictures. So yeah, now my whole class has a photo of me getting fed pudding by Karma. And Karma loves it. He even owns a copy of the photo that he loves to show off to strangers saying, "that's my boyfriend!" To them all.

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