Talk time

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Chap 27: Talk time
Nagisa's POV

I knew my mom was a scary person. In fact, I knew how scary my mom could get better than anyone. After all, I did live her most of my life.

So I knew all the tricks with her. I knew when she was angry, I knew what things to tell or not to tell her, and I always knew how to react. But today, it's as i'd known none of that. I felt so utterly lost as she stared at me with those dark, dark eyes.

I was scared, no doubt, about what was going to happen. Especially since I didn't know what was going to happen. How she would react to what I had to say. But what made it worse is that I didn't know what I was going to say.

How was I ever going to convince her to let me stay with my friends, to stay with Karma. It was obvious she hated them, and probably now more than ever since she got beaten because of them. And I could tell she was particularly fuming at Karma. He was the guy who stole my heart, and she knew that because of him, I wasn't going home with her anymore. She knew that she wasn't in control of me anymore, and it was obvious that she was pinning it all on him.

But the very fact that he had hurt her, was only the icing on that cake of hatred for him. She had so much against him now, that it was kind of scary. And the bad part is, is that she has every right to be mad at him. It's not like her reasons are random anymore, now she has solid reason to be against him.

Karma had done so much to my mother, that from her perspective, it made a heck ton of sense for her to hate him. And in a way, that was very bad because I wanted my mom to like Karma. I wanted my mom to be happy that I found someone to love, I wanted her to be happy that I was finally living a life with someone who cares about me.

I wanted to one day go home to her with Karma and hopefully patch things back up with her, be like a family again. But now I know that won't happen. It can't happen, because now she's met Karma, and she hates him with all her guts.

And it was evident in her eyes that when she looked at Karma, she wanted him gone. She wanted him to leave her and my life, and never again come back.

I took a deep breath in hoping it would calm my nerves a little. The tension at the table was so tight as we all just looked at one another. Karasuma, Koro-sensei, and Osis were at the side parallel to me, the side that had Karma, Dracul and I sitting there in complete silence.

I closed my eyes tightly, not wanting to look at the situation anymore. I wanted nothing more than to just leave the classroom and not go back until she was gone. But I knew I couldn't do that, I knew that I was going to have to face her.

And I knew that a lot of things were going to be spilled in the classroom today, a lot of things I would've never said otherwise. I knew for a fact a lot of my past was going to be shared whether I wanted it or not.

I opened my eyes slowly to look at Osis once more, everyone's eyes were right on me. I felt Karma's hand tighten around mine as he gave it a reassuring squeeze and I let a small grin show on my face as a "thank you" to him before I cleared my throat.

"You doing well?" I asked Osis. I tried to start of the conversation on a high note, but I guess Osis took that as more of an insult. "Well?" She asked, "well?!?" A crazed look appeared on her face as she laughed. "I'm doing great thanks for asking, because it's not like your "boyfriend" and dragon boy over there tried to kill me!" She yelled angrily as she pointed at Karma and Dracul.

I flinched at her words and let out a sigh. "I'm sorry, I was just trying to be nice." I say looking away from her. She shook her head, "aren't you always?"

I looked up at that, "what?" I was very confused by her statement. What did she mean by "aren't you always?"

She laughed lightly at that, "Nagisa dear, don't you see? You're always trying to be the reasoning, thinking that you can always be there for people when you can't!" She explained. "You're no hero, my child. You're quite the opposite in fact," she smiled, "you're a killer."

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