Same Room

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***Beth ***

Me and Alex looked at each other and then went downstairs .
"Hi sweetie " .
"Hey mom and dad ". I said. 
"Hey mom ". Alex said
"We need to tell you two something ".
My mother said .
Me and Alex looked at each other and then Alex said "What is it ?".

"Well , me and your father were thinking of telling you guys to live in Alex 's house but that is too small for you so we decided to start with Alex's room ".
"What happened  to my room ?". Alex asked my parents .

"We are redecorating your room and bathroom ".
"Why does it have to be done  now ?". Me and Alex said at the same time .
He wasnt really that mad that he was now forced to be in the same room  with me .
He just let out a frustrated breath and said "Fine ".

My mother and father looked so relied  that Alex said that .
"Thank you so much for understanding Alex ".
Then our parents left and I went back to my room. 
I forgot that Alex is living in my room now , that he came in seeing me taking in a frustrated sigh .

"You know , I am not that bad with living with in the same room ".
"I know that ".
"It will help you " . He said referring to my bad or weird dreams .
"Yeah ". I said mumbling it .
Before it was time for me to got to Ally 's house for the sleepover , I organized   Alex 's things. 

When I was done ,  I finished a   few  minutes before I grabbed my stuff that I needed and went downstairs to see my parents , Alex 's mom and Alex .
"Sweetie , where are you going ?". My mom asked. 
"I am going to Ally 's house because we have a sleepover there ".

"Ohh ".
"Well , have a nice sleepover ".
"Thanks ".
I left and then headed for Ally 's house
I rang the doorbell and Ally opened it .
"Yayy , she is here ". Ally said pulling me into her house and giving me a hug .
Then Cathy came and hugged us almost making us to fall on the floor .

We let go of each other and then someone said "Don't kill each other ".
I recognized that the voice which was Ally 's older brother. 
Yes , Ally has a older brother .
His name is Dante .
"We are not ".
He was going to the door when Ally said " Where are you going  ?".

"Out.  I am not staying here with a bunch of  girls ".
"But its us ". Cathy said.
"I know . Which is why I am going ".
"Whatever ". Ally said.
He then left .
"You didn't have to ring the doorbell ". Ally said .
"I know . I wanted to " . I said .

"Whatever ". Ally said .
We went up to Ally's room and got our things ready for when we wanted to sleep .
"Beth , why do you look so unhappy to be here ? ". Cathy said looking at me .
"No its not that ".
"Than what is it ?". Cathy asked .

"Alex is sleeping in the same room as me ".
"Why ?". They both asked .
"Because my parents decided it would be a nice time to redecorate my house and they started with Alex's room and bathroom ". I said explaining to them . 

"That was a set up for sure ". Cathy said.
"Yep ". Ally said .
"Whatever ". I said .
We did so many things and stayed up really late .
We all eventually fell asleep .

***The Next Day ***

When we woke up , someone was taping all of us .
"Wake up " . Dante said .
We all  woke up groaning because Dante woke us up .
I opened my eyes and saw Ally throw a pillow at Dante .

Before he left , Dante came to me and  said " Good morning Beth". He said and he smirked.
I just looked at him and then he left .
We all got up and did our morning stuff and then we all went downstairs .
When we got there , we saw that Dante was eating breakfast .

We all sat down and ate breakfast and then me and Cathy went home. 
When I got home , my parents and his mother was not here . Alex wasn't downstairs playing his game.
I went up to my room and saw Alex sleeping .
I put my stuff away quietly and I was putting my phone to charge when Alex grabbed my arm .

"Alex , are you awake ?". I asked .

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