Can I ?

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When we reached school , we all got out and then Cathy , Ally and Alex went to class. 
I went to the lounge to get the things that we needed and when I got there , Mrs . Carson and some other boy that I didn't recognise was there also .

"Just the person I was looking for ". Mrs. Carson said .
"Mrs.  Carson , I didn't know you would be back so soon ".
"Its okay , I am going back anyways . I just wanted to bring my nephew to school. He is staying with me for awhile and he is useless at the house doing nothing so I brought him here " 

I looked at the boy and he was just looking at me this whole time with no expression on his face. 
"His name is Jake . He likes to cause trouble and also get into a lot of trouble ".
"Okay ". I said .
Mrs . Carson turned to Jake and said "Don't give Beth so much trouble , okay.  I have to go ".

"Ohh and Beth , teach him individually . He gets lost and shy in class ".
"Okay ". I said. 
And then she left .
I said "Okay Jake , I will be right back " and walked out the door .

I went to the assembly hall and walked over to Cathy and Ally and I said "Come with me ". I said and they followed me to the corner .
"What is it  ?". Cathy asked
"Mrs.  Carson brought a new student and said to teach him individually ".
"Okay . You teach him while I teach these ones and Ally teaches the seniors ". Cathy said

"Okay ". Ally said .
"Okay ". I said and went back to the lounge where Jake would be .
As I entered , Jake was already causing trouble.
"Jake , stop doing that ".
"Please tell me your not one of those goody - two - shoes people ".

I  felt offended me cause that was what I was to the popular people .
"Lets just get to work ". I said as I wanted to go to the table .
"No ". He said which caused me to stop walking . He  started walking to me.
I stepped back and he stepped forward .
He did this again and again until my back hit the wall.

"Got you ". He said and smirked and put his hands above my head .
I started to panic because I don't like to be in these type of situations .
"Alex leave me alone ". I said while my head was down .
I kept saying over what I said and then he stepped away .

I calmed down and I was afraid to look at him . He lifted my head up with his finger in my chin. 
He stepped away from me and said "I'm sorry ". Jake said .
"Its okay ". I said.
"My aunt did say I cause trouble ".

"Yeah , lets just start ".
"Okay ".
And then we got to work. 
He was really good at his work .
I checked the time and saw that it was time for a break .
I said "Jake , take a break and come back in the next fifteen minutes ".

"Okay ". He said and we both got up and I went to the assembly hall and Jake went to the cafeteria .
I came in and Alex was talking to Cathy and Ally .
I went to them and Cathy said "How was it ?".
"It was not so good at first but now its okay ".

"Okay with what ?". Alex asked .
I was going to say something but Cathy said "Okay with Beth's new boyfriend ".
"I am sure that's not it ". Alex said .
"How do you know that ?" . Ally asked .

"Because , Beth told me that if she starts dating , she doesn't want her boyfriend to go to the same school as her ".
"But her rule has changed ". Cathy said .
"Whatever ". Alex said and continued to eat his snack .

"Anyways , I am going to see if Beth's boyfriend is more good looking than you ". Cathy said and Ally followed.
When they left , Alex asked "You dont have a boyfriend do you ?".
"No , I am just teaching Mrs.  Carson nephew individually ".

"Ohh okay ".
"Yeah ". I said and then his phone buzzed .
I went to where my bag was and got what I wanted and then went back to Alex .
Alex asked in an excited way "Beth , can I please have the rest of the day off ?".

"Please ". He begged.
"Why ?". I asked.
"You promise you won't get mad or upset ".
"I won't ".
"I wanna go met up with Anna ".
"Ohh , well you still have school ". 

"I know , I will make it up by coming to all my other classes just please let me go ".
I know that I promised Alex that I won't get upset but I am .
I just didn't show it and said "Okay ".
"Thanks ". Alex and someone else said .

What did you guys think of this chapter ?

Who was this 'someone else ' that said thank you also ?
Will Jake and Beth become a thing ?

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