Picture Of Me

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I woke up an hour early as usually . I looked at Alex and I saw that Alex was looking back at me .
"Morning ," I said .
"Morning ," He said .
I got out of bed and went to my room to take a shower .
When I came downstairs , Alex was eating breakfast with his mother .

"Morning mom and dad ," I said and went to my parents and hugged them and Alex 's mother too .
"Morning ," They all said back .
"I made your favorite ," My mother said. 
"Thanks ," I said . I sat down , took my fork and started to eat .
When I was done , Alex was already outside waiting for me .

"Bye mom and dad ," I said and left .
We drove to school and when we reached , we got out and I went to Cathy and Ally and Alex went to his friends .
"Morning ," Cathy and Ally said .
"Morning ," I said .
"Guess who has date tomorrow afternoon ," Cathy asked me .

"You ," I guessed .
"No . Ally and Evan are ," Cathy said .
"Finally ," I said. 
"Its not that big of a deal. He may not show up ," Ally said .
"But he asked you," I said.
"I know.  He may be busy like how he is right now ," Ally said as she turned around to see Evan making out with some girl .

"Maybe tomorrow things will change ," I said trying to keep her hopes up. 
The bell rang and we went to our first  class together. 
Two of our classes went by and it was already lunch .
I was surprised how fast the day has going  . I got my lunch and sat at our lunch table with Cathy and Ally .

We talked about what we were going to do for the two weeks we have off of school again .
The bell rang and I had to split up with them because the class I had was not the class Cathy and Ally had which was Art class. 
When I reached , our teacher was there .

"Alright class , today we will be presenting our piece to the class and explaining why did you choose to do  that certain piece ," Our teacher said when everyone was seated .
We got our pieces and when the first person came up , I saw Alex was nervous .
I was curious as to why he was so nervous. 

When it was coming up to Alex 's turn , he got more and more nervous.
Alex came up in front of the entire class and our teacher saw that he was nervous. 
She said , " Come on Alex , you can do this " .
He took a deep breath and said "This is the piece I did ".
He turned it around and the piece was a picture of me .

"I chose do this  piece because it reminded me of the things that you dream of getting but you can't  ," He  said.
Everyone started to clap as he went back to his seat .
Once school was over , I was chasing Alex all over the school .
He went to the front of the school and hid behind one of his friends .

I grabbed him by his backpack and he groaned in frustration .  
"Stop running ! "I said kind of sad and angry .
"Leave me alone Beth ," He said .
Cathy , Ally and Alex 's friends came to us and said "Hey guys ,".
"Bye ," Alex said as he ran out the gate of the school . Not smart though since he has the keys to his car .

"Ughhh ," I groaned in frustration .
"Why did he do that ?" Everyone asked.
"Alex painted a picture of me in Art class and now he doesn't want to explain why he painted the picture ".
"Good luck with that ," Cathy said and everyone said goodbye to me.
I walked home sad . When I reached ,my parents car were in the driveway. 

Alex's car came up next to me and parked when I took one step forward to go to the door .
He saw how upset I was and he was sad too .
We walked together in silence to go to the door .
We were halfway in the kitchen when we didn't greet our parents .

Our parents stopped us and saw our sad faces .
"What happened now ?" My mother asked.
Alex tried not to make it obvious when he was clearing his throat and said "Nothing , we are just tired ".
"Okay ," My mother said but something in her voice told me that she wasn't entirely convinced about it .

I made my way to my room and Alex went to his .
We washed up for dinner and came back downstairs for dinner .
We ate dinner in silence and went to bed in silence .
That night was the first night in years I couldn't fall asleep . 
And it was all because of Alex .

"Am I in love with him to have sleepless nights like this?" I asked myself .

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Is Beth in love with Alex to not make her fall asleep ?

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