~Imagine #7~

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Your class had a field trip today, and everyone was getting on the bus now. You were one of the first on while C/n was one of the last.

You knew that C/n wouldn't sit by you so you got out your phone and earbuds. You went to your music and put on (favorite song) while putting in your earbuds.

After a few seconds, someone sat by you. You turned to see who. It was C/n. Your heart started to beat fast. You could hear it over the music. You hoped C/n wouldn't notice.

You took out your earbuds and stopped the song. Then looked at C/n, who looked back and smiled at you. Making you smile back.

"Is it ok if I sit here? There's no other open seats." C/n said. You were so thankful. "Yeah, it's fine."

"What were you listening to?" C/n asked. "I was listening to (favorite song) by (band/artist name)."

"Cool. That's a pretty good song."

"You might wanna put your phone up for a minute." C/n said, looking at the front of the bus.

You looked, and the teacher was about to walk through the isle to check of everyone was here. No one was supposed to have their phone. You quickly put up your phone.

You and C/n talked for a while. You weren't so nervous now. C/n seemed to enjoy talking to you.

"If I tell you this, promise you won't laugh at me?" C/n asked. "Promise." You said with a confused look.

"I kinda like this person. Well, more like love them." C/n started. Your heart instantly dropped hearing those words. 'There's no way it could be me,' you thought. 

"I've loved them for a while now, I just don't know how to tell them." You smiled to try and hide that you were sad.

"Do you have their phone number?" You asked. Pretty much everyone in your grade had each other's phone numbers even if they didn't talk much or at all.


"Text them right now, and tell them." You said. Pretty much everyone brings their phones even if they aren't supposed to.

C/n started to text the person. You looked down then back up.

"Ok, done." C/n looked at you and smiled. Suddenly your phone beeped. You got it, and looked at the message.

It was from C/n. It simply said "I like you". You looked up at C/n, smiling.

You looked back at your phone, and turned it so C/n couldn't see.

You sent back, "I like you 2".

"Really?" C/n asked. "Yes." You blushed, and looked away.

C/n texted you something else. It said ,"will you go out with me? ❤️"

You sent, "yes 💙".

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