~Imagine #31~

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Ok so this one will be an au thing and idk how it's going to go but I like these kinds of things so comment if you like this kind of imagine or not

"So, do you think it could be him?" Bff/n asked. "Doubt it." I shook my head and gave her a small smile.

Bff/n new how much I wanted to find my soulmate. Especially since she met her soulmate a few weeks ago.

We went to the coffee shop near our school one morning, hoping to get something to keep us awake because we stayed up late the night before. I took a quick trip to the restroom to wash my hands and bff/n was talking to a boy with the same marking when I came out.

She was so worried about not finding him because her mark was behind her ear. The marking is a small cup of coffee that is (bff's favorite color).

The marking is a small picture of some sort that is in the same place as our soulmate's and has something to do with how you meet your soulmate. The color is what your favorite color will be when you meet them.

My marking was a (favorite color) book with white pages on my right wrist. Bff/n and I went to the library more than we normally would in hopes of finding my soulmate. We never met anyone with my marking, though.

There was a new boy transferring to our school so bff/n thinks that there is a chance that it might be him. No one new ever comes here so maybe.

"Come on. Let's go this way." Bff/n said, guiding me in the way of the new boy. "Ya know, this isn't going to be some cliche story like we run into each other and drop our books-"

And then it happened. I wasn't watching where I was going and we ran into each other.

"Oh my lord. I'm so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going." I helped him pick up some of the books I caused him to drop. "No no, it's fine. It was my fault, too. I'm sorry."

I looked up, noticing his marking.

Smiling, we stood up and I handed him his book and a passport he dropped.

"Thanks." He smiled back. "No problem. I'm Y/n, by the way. If you need some help getting somewhere around here I'd  be happy to help."

"Oh, I'm (name). Could you tell me where the office is?"

"Yeah, it's down the hall to the left." I directed him. "Thanks, again." We smiled, and he headed towards the office.

"Did you see his mark?" She asked excitedly. "Yup," I smiled. "He had a plane on the back of his hand."

She gave me a sympathetic smile back. "You'll find him eventually."

"I know," I sighed. "See ya." We said bye as the bell rang. I walked to my first class which had just been switched.

I only knew one person in the class which sucked, but oh well. At least I'm friends with her.  I'll get used to the people soon enough, though.

I took my seat next to (friend's name). "Hey." She greeted cheerfully. "Hi." I replied with the same enthusiasm.

The teacher is normally late so we engaged in a conversation about whatever. Everyone in this class is so hyper and loud. It gets annoying after a while.

Just as I was about to reply to some thing (friend's name) said, a hardcover book hit me in the arm. "Ow." I jumped.  It fell to the floor in a position where the pages started to bend.

Picking the object up, I looked to the group of boys that the book seemed to have come from.

"Who threw it?" I made my face look completely pissed off. Their mouths were gaping open. "He did it." A few of them quickly said, pointing to a wide eyed boy.

"Uh, um, I, uh, sorry." He stuttered, eyes still wide and staring at me with a horrified expression. I mentally awed because he actually looked kinda cute. I laughed, "Here."

I put the book on his desk.

"Uh, thanks."

I smiled at him. "I'm not really mad. You don't have to look like I'm going to kill you."

"Oh, uh yeah." He put a hand to his chest breathing out heavily. I took a glance at his right wrist that was on top of the desk.

Sure enough, the marking was the same as mine.

"Hey, can you come here a second?" I asked curiously. "Sure." He got up, following me to a spot where we could talk alone.

"Look, I'm really sorry. If that's what this-"

"Shh," I cut him off. "Don't worry, I'm seriously not mad. I just, uh, I noticed something."

"Yeah?" He asked, giving me a confused look. My heart started beating fast for no reason. I grabbed his wrist.

"This." I put our wrists together. We stared down at them in disbelief for a second. And we both looked back up at each other with the same excited smile.

Ok I don't know if this was any good but I haven't updated in a while so I'm going to post it anyway lmao.

Thank you guys so much for 54k reads. I didn't think my imagines were good enough for that many people to read enough to get me to that amount of reads. And thank you to everyone who votes/comments. I love reading what you guys comment just so you know

And before that gets too long I'm going to stop 😂

Ok this is also important:

The next imagine will be a girlxgirl one

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