Chapter 15: I Was Right

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He looked at me, waiting for my response.

"...... Yes." I said after a moment of thought. He smiled. I smiled wholeheartedly, which I hadn't done very much of lately. "Anyway, I'm going to go." I said, the smile still visible on my face. "Ok. I'll see you at school tomorrow?" He asked. "Yep, tomorrow." I said. I walked back to my car with a spring in my step. I didn't realize how happy it would make me feel, dating Nick. I looked at the time. 1:55pm. Perfect, I thought. I'll be home in 10. I pulled up to the driveway at exactly 2:05pm. I smiled. It was like the time I spent with Nick snapped me out of my depression state, and I was in a really good mood. I walked in the door with a grin on my face. I went up to my room and grabbed my phone.

I was going to call Julia. Sure, she might still be mad at me but she deserves to know. The phone rang once. Twice. Three times. She picked up. "Hey Faith." She said nonchalantly. "Julia, I have something to tell you. Just don't be mad, okay?" I asked in a pleading tone. "(Sigh) okay, what's up?" She asked. "N-nick asked me out today, and I said yes. Please don't be mad." I pleaded. I didn't want to lose my best friend I have. She sighed. "Faith, I'm not mad anymore. Rather, I'm happy for you. But I do have some news that'll lessen your good mood." I looked into the speaker, shocked. "You aren't mad? You were pissed yesterday! You thought he didn't care for me!" I exclaimed. "Well, I did remember some of the things he's done for you, and now I know he cares for you. Congrats, Faith."

But I still remembered something. "What was the news that you said would lessen my good mood?" I asked hesitantly. "

"T-Tiffany's back. She convinced the principal that she was innocent, and she's going to come back tomorrow, at school. But if she sees you and Nick, she is going to be really, really mad. Just a warning. But I'll be there for you, and he should, too." She finished. I sat there for a few seconds, processing this information. Julia was right. I was right. Tiffany would be really pissed. But, I decided, I can fight her. I have my friend and my.... ugh..... boyfriend to help. I'm sorry I hate that word.

Anyway, I slept that night thinking of what could happen tomorrow.....

I woke the next morning to the sound of my beeping alarm clock. I shut it off and dragged myself out of bed. I very quickly prepared for school. Since I was done early, I decided to go get a Starbucks with Julia and maybe Nick, if he could come. I was tired anyway, and I needed a pick-me-up. I called Julia. "Jules, want to go for Starbucks before school?" I asked tiredly. "Yeah, I'm tired to. Are you going to ask Nick?" She asked me. I smiled. "Yes." I heard her sigh. "Ok, invite him. I want to let him know that if he breaks your heart I break him." She said in an almost threatening voice. I laughed, which I also haven't done in a while. "Ok, meet you there in 15 minutes?" I asked. "Sure." She said. And then she hung up.

I called Nick. It rang once. Twice. "Faith, what's up?" Asked Nick. "Want to come to Starbucks in 15 minutes? I'm tired, and I need a pick-me-up." I said. I was still tired. "Sure. The one down the street from the school?" He asked. "Yeah." I replied. "See you in 15 minutes, then." He said optimistically.

I walked to my black convertible almost skipping. I was happy to have more than one person that was loyal to me. I drove to the Starbucks. Julia was already there, and I saw Nicks navy blue Mustang. Why did he have to have that car? I wish I had a mustang! I thought, jealous of his car." We met each other outside the entrance. "Hey guys (yawn)" I said tiredly. We walked in. I got my usual Caramel Frappe, it was fairly warm out for March. Julia got a Smoked Butterscotch Frappe, and Nick got a Cascara Latte. We drank them as we drove to school.

By the time we were there we almost had none left. I drank the remains of mine and threw it away. I was just looking around, waiting for Nick and Julia to finish and throw away their Starbucks when I saw a face that I knew all too well.

"What the fucking hell..."

All drinks and logos are property of Starbucks, Inc.

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