Chapter 29: Party Invites

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Nick's POV (I know some people asked for it so here it is!)

I feel really committed to Faith. Love is such a strong word, but I'm not denying my feelings for her. She gives off a strong, confident vibe, and I admire that about her. I thought about the seemingly weak person she used to be. I was deceived by her innocent looks a few times too much. Then you can see how much of a doofus I was then, even though it wasn't too long ago.

I still can't believe I did that to Faith, and how she was willing to give me a chance so easily. Was there something different about me she liked so much?

I was talking to Julia, waiting for Faith, when I looked to the lobby to see the wet floor sign that was there previously had somehow disappeared. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I heard a car door shut and Faith walked through the door. I was trying to warn her, but the crowd of people talking was too loud.

Faith fell and landed right on her back. I heard no shouts or screams; she just got right back up and stormed through the mob into the cafeteria. I followed behind, but stayed near the entrance/exit of the room. She stormed up to Tiffany and started yelling at her. She punched her in the nose. I saw Tiffany's eyes start to redden and she ran away, tears in her eyes. I wouldn't sympathize her. Even if what Faith did was a little much.

When she came back to where I was she was muttering curses and grabbed my shoulder. "She is such a bitch!" She exclaimed. "And I know I'm going to get in trouble. Detention likely. But she got what she deserved. I smacked the sense into her, I bet. Yeah, I know it looked cruel but just remember all the things she did to me!" She ranted. And I did.

I remembered the countless times Tiffany had kicked her down, figuratively and literally. Faith's few blowups couldn't compare to the numerous times Tiffany shamed and bullied her. These thoughts made me slightly irritated, but I was alright.

They made me feel regretful as well, because sometimes I'd be in on it.

Tiffany cam back with the principal, as expected, and took her to his office. Faith did the same thing to Tiffany a few weeks ago, and she got a one week suspension. I thought that his was too much, and she was probably getting detention this time.

Faith came back from the office, her eyes still raging. She had a few slips in her hand meaning she got detention. "How long?" I asked. She looked up at me. "4 days. I'm lucky I didn't get worse, because I didn't break her nose this time." She mentioned like she was talking about the weather.

Faith used to act like school was her life. Now, it's just another thing that she has to do in her life. She slipped the papers into her crossbody purse and walked away. I knew she needed time.

She would cool down eventually.

Faith's POV

Goddammit I'm pissed. Tiffany tries to humiliate me again, and fractionally succeeds in doing so? Maybe the rest of school thought it was funny and embarrassing, but I certainly didn't. Tiffany hadn't grasped the point that actions have consequences, apparently.

I stormed into the cafeteria where she was and yelled at her. I punched her in the same spot I did before, but I heard no cracks. I must have not broken it this time. Tiffany's eyes reddened and I could see tears slipping down her makeup-covered face. She needs to know that people can't tolerate bitchy attitude like hers.

A part of me sympathized with her, a part of me felt that I was too harsh. But she got what she deserved! And what about the multiple times when she knocked me down? Did she not see ANY relationship between the two?

I went over to Nick and he was nice enough about the situation. He seemed a little quiet though. Like he was in deep thought.

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