Chapter 21: Suffering Through The Week

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This is the dress she wears (later in chapter)^^^

A/N- i'm going to start recording word count. Word count: 1957

I was dreaming of a tropical island in Florida when I heard a beeping sound. I ignored it for a few more minutes before I came into consciousness and heard my alarm clock. I groaned, knowing my suspension was over and I had to go back to school.

I yawned, louder and longer than I ever had, which surprised me. I grabbed a pair of black ripped jeans, a slightly cropped t-shirt, black combat boots, cuff earrings, and a red leather jacket. Yes, I was borderline obsessed with black but I thought the red color would stand out, and I was right.

I met Julia and Nick at Starbucks, 20 minutes before school, because I had gotten used to waking up late.

Fuck you, school.

I got my normal drink and sipped it as we pulled into school. The second we walked in the door, people started whispering, because they knew Nick and I had gotten suspended for a week. I went up to my locker and put my stuff away. I turned around to see the ugliest sight of all. Tiffany *shudders*. "Has it already been a week? I'm surprised." Said Tiffany, with a bandage around her nose.

I rolled my eyes. "You better keep track of time, because before you know it you're going to have wrinkles and zits just from all of the damn makeup you're wearing!" I retorted. She sighed. "This face will never be ugly." She said matter-of-factly. "Even if I have a broken nose, thanks to you." She said, anger in her voice as she said the last bit. "It's about to be ugly." I threatened. "If you don't get away from me. I can quite easily give you a black eye, or better yet, rebreak your nose? How does that sound?" I shot back at her with a mock friendly tone before I gave her a death stare. I could see her hands shaking with anger. "Ugh! I am NOT done with you!" She screamed as she stomped away in her four-inch heels.

I smirked as I grabbed stuff for my first period, gym.

I walked into the gym and was met with the familiar feeling of being stared at. I changed into a Nike sports bra and silky black leggings. I walked out. The reason this was different is because usually I wear tank tops, or on rare occasions, t-shirts. I took note of the boys staring at my toned body, one of them including Nick. I winked at them and blew a kiss.

The coach blew his whistle. "Alright! Today we are doing the FitnessGram Push Up test! Grab a partner and get ready!" He yelled. As he finished his instruction almost every boy ran over to me, asking to be my partner. I declined all of the request except Nick's.

The test began. The even voice calmed me. "Down, Up 1. Down, Up 2. Down, up 3.........." I focused on my breathing and the voice disappeared. All i could think about was my breathing. Nothing but my breathing. I faintly heard the voice stop and I came to a halt, staying in the plank position before jumping up. I went to grab a quick drink of water and prepared for Nick. While I did 100 exactly before the voice stopped, he did 95, which I gave a clap and a nod to. When gym was finished I pushed the doors open and went to my next class; Spanish. The day went on and one, dragging like the slowest turtle on Earth. When I got home, I checked my Instagram. 10 follow requests, no likes(haven't posted lately) and no comments. I would make a montage when I got to Florida.

I called my manager, Mike. "Hey, Mike, i'm gonna take you up on your offer. When's the fight?" I asked into the phone. "Oh hey Faith. The fight is today at 6pm. See you there." He explained. I nodded. "You too. Bye." I said before I hung up.

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