𝓲𝓲. the prank gone wrong

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chapter two

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chapter two


Alex arrived at the Gilbert house right at 3:00, just like Elena asked. Alex was never a fan of arriving places late, she either liked to be on time or just 'fashionably' early. when she walked up to the door it was wide open, which she found quite odd, but the smell of smoke led her to realize that the cooking Elena and her friends were doing wasn't going as well as they planned.

"Elena?" Alex called out, peeking her eyes through the door to make sure the girl was actually there.

"come in!" she heard the doppelganger shout from somewhere in the house. Alex hesitantly took a step into the house and just like that, no more magical barrier blocking her from entering.

"Alex, hey" Elena smiles and walks over to Alex. "these are my best friends Bonnie and Caroline. Bonnie and Caroline, this is Alex. Tyler and I met her at the grill a couple days ago" she says, grabbing the crock pot and putting it on the island in the kitchen.

Alex sits next to Bonnie, "so this is the famous Caroline, Tyler talks about you all the time... and Bonnie, it's nice to see another gorgeous Bennett face"

Caroline glares, "really? because i've never heard him speak about you once" she says bitterly, her tone full of jealousy causing Alex to glare at the young vampire.

"so, the problem with my dad's normal side of the family is normal made for a really boing summer" Bonnie speaks changing the topic.

"after the last few days, I would kill for a normal family," Caroline looked over at Elena who starting cooking on the stove, "since when did you lean how to cook?"

Elena glared at the blonde, "Damon helped me a little" she says pouring the chili into the pot.

Alex scoffed, "i'm sorry did I hear correctly? Damon helps you cook?" in the years she had known the Salvatore's Damon never cooked. he always made Alex or someone else cook for him.

"oh stop judging. he's just trying to be a good- ah!" Elena cut herself off by gasping and holding her chest in pain.

"did i splash you?" Caroline says putting her pot down.

"no, no, my necklace" Elena says tearing the necklace away from her skin where it left a make in the shape of a circle in the middle of her chest, "it burned me"

"maybe it's a sign you shouldn't be wearing it" Caroline shrugs causing Bonnie to scold her, "what? i'm just saying. if you're gonna be cooking without Stefan..." she trails off and Alex looks at the necklace confused.

"that necklace... i've seen it before. let me see it" Alex says and Elena hands it to her. when she touched it, it shocked her and an image of a young blonde girl dressed from the viking ages with a younger brunette appeared in her mind.

𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙠𝙨𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙧𝙖 » s. salvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now