𝔁𝓿𝓲𝓲𝓲. the cure

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chapter eighteen

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chapter eighteen


the library held an awkward silence full of tension after Rebekah spilled the not so secret secret. lately it had been obvious that Stefan still loved Alex, he looked at her now the same way he did back then. but right now there were complications, one of them being the vampire doppelganger looking at both Stefan and Alex with looks of anger and betrayal.

Elena finally decided to speak of after five minutes of silence, "you slept with Alex? she's tried to kill all of us!"

Alex glared at the other brunette, not liking the fact that Elena was acting as if she was the only bad guy, "I know my memory is a bit fuzzy, but If i recall correctly, you have tried to kill me and my siblings multiple times. and your brother has actually killed me. my trying to harm you was just revenge for you acting out over jealously"

"jealously?" Elena scoffed, "you think I'm jealous of you?"

"why of course, darling, everyone is," the heretic smirked, "you especially because you hate the fact that I had Stefan's heart before you did"

Caroline sat up, "okay, enough!" she groaned, "this has nothing to do with the cure"

Rebekah sighed, "you're right, we're getting off topic... but I have one more question for this one," she moved from Elena to Stefan looking into his eyes to compel him, "tell me, Stefan. what's the real reason why you pursued Elena Gilbert?"

Stefan's eyes glossed over, but still looked at both Elena and Alex before speaking, "she looked just like Katherine, but she reminded me of Alex; everything did. Alex was dead, but I saw her in Elena, and I couldn't let that go,"

Stefan would admit that he did fall in love with Elena, and not just because she reminded him of the pierce girls. he did love her, a part of him always would, but deep down Stefan knew who his heart truly belonged to.

"sister...look at this! you're even worse than Klaus" a male voice spoke as they barged into the library. Alex knew that voice all too well, it was the voice of her best friend, her anchor, and her favorite brother.

Rebekah sighed, glad that this sad fest was now over, "Kol, finally. did you bring what I asked for?"

Kol shoves Shane into the library, "you must be Shane," Rebekah says, walking over towards Kol and the professor.

Alex attempts to sit up in her seat, but the vervained ropes burn with each move causing her to hiss in pain. Kol takes notice of this and darts his eyes towards Rebekah, "why is our little sister tied up, Rebekah?"

Rebekah smiles, "Aleksandra's here to help me out with a little game I'm playing..." the blonde original grabbed a pair of gloves from her back pocket and used them to let her sister free, "and it turns out Stefan went back to her after Elena broke his heart, which not going to lie, seems a bit like revenge seeing as Elena jumped the sack with Damon..." she backed away towards Kol as the ropes were dropped and Alex held her wrists as she glared at her sister, "but I guess you can't control what your heart wants."

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