𝓲𝔁. the murder of one

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chapter nine

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chapter nine


though Alex wasn't linked to her siblings, she still wanted them all unlinked. so when Klaus offered her to join him in finding her family, she couldn't resist. she used a locator spell to track down Finn first, and the hybrids and Rebekah set off.

"hello, my dear brother Finneus" Alex spoke, hopping beside her brother with a smile.

"hello, Aleksandra," he said in a monotonous voice, "I have no intent on speaking with you two"

"well that's too bad, because I would like to have a chat," Klaus then walked up beside them, "where is our mother?"

Finn gave no glance to them, "gone to find another way to end our abonminable lives. and when she does, I will sacrifice myself all over again"

Klaus speaks up, "how forturnate that I found you, then. I require your assistance"

Finn chuckled, "I have no wish to help you. only to see you dead"

"well, that's the thing. you see, you won't be able to see me dead because if I die, then you die, so it's a wish unfulfilled"

"oh, go bother someone else with your hollow charms, Niklaus"

Alex walks across the crosswalk with them, "oh, but we find so much joy in bothering our eldest brother, Finneus... now, we need you to come with us back to Mystic Falls because we happen to have a witch who can help me undo mother's spell that linked you lot together"

"I have no wish to be unlinked!"

Klaus stands in front of their brother to stop him, "again with the wishes. let me rephrase- you will come back with me or I will put you back in that coffin in which you rotted for 900 years"

"what happens to one happens to all. you may not feel the affects of the dagger, but you'd lose your precious Rebekah"

"wouldn't be the first time," Klaus smirks. Finn scoffs, rushing to the alleyway where Rebekah herself stood.

"let's not make this any worse than it has to be, darling brother" she said.

"you're siding with him?" Finn asked in disbelief, "Rebekah, he stored us in boxes"

"at least he's not trying to make us extinct" the blonde fired back.

Alex and Klaus appeared on the other side of Finn as he turned around, "what are you going to do? kill me?"

"ah, yes, that's right. you have a death wish," Alex used her magic to give her brother an aneurism, causing him to fall to the ground in pain, "but the rest of them don't"

the siblings threw Finn into the house back in Mystic Falls. after Alex's psychotic break a couple nights before, they fixed it right up and pretended like nothing happened. she told them that it was a one time thing, that it would never happen again, so they believed her and followed her wishes in forgetting it ever happened.

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