𝔁. the heart of darkness

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chapter ten

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chapter ten


as the heretic quietly crept into the Salvatore home, she used her vamp hearing to hear voices down on the cellar. before they hear her, she searches the house for one of the last stakes that can kill her siblings. she knew the Salvatores well, so she easily found one of them in the pile of wood for the fireplace. she vamp speeds to the cellar, but waits to enter.

"-the thing is, he's me. I'm not compelled, I'm not possessed, there's no humanity switch. what drives him is me" Alaric speaks from inside the cell.

"no, no, he's not you. he's the darkest parts of you. the parts we all have" Stefan reassures him. Alex smirked. she expected Elena to be there, but Stefan was even better.

Alex enters the cell, "well, this is depressing, isn't it?" she fake frowns, leaning against the cell door, "my history teacher is hexed by black magic"

Stefan stands up in alert, "oh, and I found this..." Alex adds on, showing them the stake she found, "...upstairs. now, according to Damon, there should be one more"

"yeah, well it's gonna take a little more time"

Alex scoffs, "why? because we're waiting for that one to pass out?" she points to Alaric, "no thanks. I think I'll just kill him"

"well, then you won't know the location of the other stake"

Alex shrugs, walking over to Alaric, "I can live with that"

Stefan blocks her, "well, I can't. when we staked Finn, we discovered that killing an Original vampire killed its entire bloodline. now, I know that you were turned by Klaus, and you turned me, which means we both die if he does. so why don't we just find the stake, destroy it, so we can all be safe?"

"so, the fate of the entire vampire race depends on you finding a stake?" she turns to Alaric, "and to get it we need you to pass out... which means that I feel totally justified doing this," she walks over to Alaric and snaps his neck.

"there. sleeping like a little baby... I wonder if he likes to count sheep in his sleep... or maybe dead founders"

Alex arrived home, hoping to tell her brother about killing Alaric so that when he woke up he would tell them where the stake was, but when she walked into the parlor, her mother stood at the fireplace. her face quickly went from shock to anger. her mother tried to kill her family, and make her suffer for eternity as punishment for surviving.

"what are you doing here, mother?" Alex asked. she felt a chill run down her spine as her mother walked closer to her, something wasn't right.

"I'm dying, Aleksandra" Ester says, "I need you to help me live"

Alex snorted, "why would I do that? so you can try to kill my siblings again? put me under another immortal slumber? yeah, I'll pass"

Ester grabbed her youngest daughter's hands, "I did it for you, Aleksandra. you hold more power than you know. If you had just stayed a witch then you could've been the most powerful witch to ever live. you could've helped me destroy the monsters I created"

𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙠𝙨𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙧𝙖 » s. salvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now