Arranged Marriage part 3 (sad)

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It is finally the big day, the day that you will be marrying the man that you've only known for a month. You disagreed with the marriage at first, but after knowing that Jimin is not a bad guy, you decided that marrying him shouldn't be that bad, with that cute face, good attitude and good heart, you thought that It wouldn't be bad being his wife in the future.

You woke up early today, went to the salon to get your hair and make up done. After about an hour of getting your hair and make up done, you went back into the car and went to the wedding hall. You walked into to check if everything is ready. You went inside the wedding hall, amazed by how amazing the place looks. With the beautiful decorations, crystal chandelier and the guest tables that is designed to look like tables inside a castle. You felt a sense of relieve that everything is perfect. You went out of the wedding hall and walked to the waiting room for the bride. You went inside the the waiting room and saw some helpers to help you get in the dress, put on the veil and make you look stunning for this perfect moment. Jimin was in the other room, also getting ready. Getting his hair and make up done and getting dolled up.

After getting ready, you waited on the couch inside the waiting room until you saw the door creaks. You saw your mom, peeking through the little space of the door. "Mom!"You ran and hugged her. She hugged you back. "I can't believe my daughter is marrying today. My baby girl is all grown up." She said while tears escaped her eyes. You nodded while hugging her tighter. You heard a knock on the door and saw your dad entering the room. "Eunha-ya, are you ready?" He asked you. You just simply nodded. You walked with your dad, getting ready to walk down the isle. When you walked to the wedding hall, you begin to feel very nervous. The door opened, you held your dad's hand, walking down the isle with your beautiful wedding dress. You can hear the crowd cheering and sniffing on a handkerchief, wiping their tears. Not long after the walk, you are on the other side of the isle and switch to hold Jimin's hand instead. The two of you stood infront of the preacher, saying your vows. "I, Park Jimin, will promise to take care of Lee Eunha through thick and thin, no matter what happens." Jimin proudly said. "I, Lee Eunha, promise that I will be a good wife and always support him.' You said. "Do you, Park Jimin take Lee eunha as your wife?" "Yes, I do." He said while smiling at you. "Do you, lee Eunha, take Park Jimin as your husband?" "Yes, I do." You said, smiling back. "I now pronounce you as husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." He preacher stated. Jimin went closer, put his hand on your waist and whispered "You look so beautiful." The two of you leaned in and kissed. When your lips are connected to his, it felt like the time has stop. The kiss that he gives you isn't rough or flirty kiss, but instead, he gave you a sweet passionate kiss that is full of love.

~Fast forward to the end of the ceremony~

You and Jimin went inside a limo, with your suitcases to move in together. After arriving in the house that your dad has bought, you were shocked to see how big the house is. "Isn't the house a little bit to huge for the two of us?" You ask. "It won't be just the two of us in the future. There'll be little jiminie running around the house." He said while smirking. "Yah! pervert." You said while laughing. The two of you went in the house and settled your items. Jimin thought that since the two of you are now a married couple, it would only be right if the two of you stayed in a room together. After settling down your item, the two of you took a little nap before having dinner. The two of you were cuddling while sleeping. Jimin had his arms around your waist while you had your hands around his neck, snuggling into the crook of his neck. After 30 Minutes of sleep, you decided to make dinner. you swirled yourself out of Jimin's embrace, not wanting to wake him up. Good thing that he's a deep sleeper, so he won't notice a thing.

You decided to cook beef stew, Kimchi fried rice and spicy rice cake. You made the soup first since it takes the longest to make. While making the stew, you felt a pair of arms hugging your waist and a chin on the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent. You smiled to yourself. "What is my wife cooking?" "Kimchi fried rice, beef stew and spicy rice cake." You answered. "You're such a wife material, I love you." He said while turning you around and kissing you passionately. You finished cooking and put the dishes on the dining table. You eat happily, despite your hungry tummy. You looked at Jimin and realized that he had only been staring at you. "Oppa, is there something wrong?" You asked him, wondering why he wasn't eating. "Feed me." He pouted cutely. "Is that why my baby isn'e eating?" You cooed while rubbing your thumb on his cheeks. You took the spoon from his plate, scoop up some food and fed him. "Open your mouth, say ah" You said. He opened his mouth and ate the food. He immediately smiled and gave you a-two thumbs-up. "Jagi, its so delicious!" He said happily. The two of you continued eating happily, took a shower and went to bed. The two of you cuddled peacefully, falling asleep together. Jimin buried himself into your embrace while inhaling your scent and you playing with his hair.


How was it guys? Did you like it? Please comment down below for any jimin requests. Stay tuned for part 4. Thanks for reading. <3 authornim~

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