Chapter 20: The Big Reveal

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Chapter 20

"Yo, get off my couch." Someone said, poking me right in the forehead.

I jumped awake, sitting up straight as I gasped.

"What the hell?" I managed.

Elizabeth's brother was standing above the couch with a mug of coffee in his hands.

"The fuck you doing?" Tommy asked harshly. "Why are you here?"

"Because I was too drunk to drive myself home why are you here?" I shot back, rubbing my eyes with my fists.

"Because my girlfriend just broke up with me. Get the fuck off my couch so I can wallow in my own self-pity." Tommy snapped, shooing me up.

I stumbled as I got up from the couch but instantly sat back down next to him.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked, stretching my arms over my head.

"The girls flew back to New Jersey this morning and Elizabeth is on a run." Tommy replied. "And don't even think about hanging around here later, Elizabeth and I have pre-scheduled twin time to poke a voodoo doll of my ex girlfriend with pins."

"Damn what'd she do to you?" I laughed.

"Fucked my best friend." Tommy replied, taking a sip of his coffee. "Cliche high school shit."

"Damn that sucks." I frowned. "How'd you find out?"

"I don't do hickeys. She thought she could hide them from me. Nope." Tommy shook his head.

"What a bitch."

"Tell me about it." Tommy agreed. "But seriously what are you doing here?"

"I was hanging out with everyone here last night and I hung back to hang out with Elizabeth."

"So she's getting dick and I'm getting dumped, spectacular. The tables have fucking turned." Tommy mumbled.

"Your sister is slick." I said honestly. "I've never seen someone talk her way out of drama before."

"She's a cunning one." Tommy laughed. "She hates hanging out with girls, easily holds her own with guys a hell of a lot better, but manages to have everyone wrapped around her little finger. She's got it all, man."

"Does she though?" I frowned. "She seems kind of... I dunno..."

"Reserved?" Tommy guessed, glancing at me. "Well, yeah, wouldn't you be if you had that shit happen to you?"

"What shit?" I frowned. "The guy thing?"

"The football shit, stay with it man." Tommy laughed.

"What football shit?" I asked in shock. "She hates the sport."

"She is the sport." Tommy corrected, taking a slow sip of his coffee. "She was the best kicker our old high school has seen in like twenty years."

"Excuse me?" I asked in shock as the front door opened. "But girls don't play football!" I exclaimed.

"THOMAS!" Elizabeth yelled from the front hall.

"Oh fuck." Tommy whispered. "She didn't tell you?"

"No she didn't!" I exclaimed. "Elizabeth, you played?"

Elizabeth walked into the living room, her face bright red and sweaty, breathing heavily, and her hair matted with sweat. I wondered how far she ran...

"Tommy what the fuck did you just do?" Elizabeth whispered. "This is the most sexist kid in Texas and you told him that a girl played football?"

"Okay first of all fuck you." I hissed. "Second of all I think that's sick that you played.

Elizabeth let out a groan, glaring at Tommy before turning to head up the stairs.

"Fuck." I groaned as I stood up from the couch.

"Careful she's pissy when she runs." Tommy laughed. "You won't be able to handle her."

"Fuck off." I mumbled, heading up the stairs.

Elizabeth was standing in her room, texting someone furiously.

"So you were a kicker?" I asked, shutting her door behind me. "No wonder you know so much about football."

Elizabeth glanced up at me briefly but kept texting.

"I gotta shower, get out."

"What happened? Is that why you moved?"

"Brian fucking James got his girlfriend pregnant. Wasn't focused on the game. Missed his block. I got slammed with barely a foot on the ground. Completely destroyed my knee. It ruined my life. I fucked around. Moved to Texas with my parents when dad got a job offer." Elizabeth shrugged, locking her phone and setting it on the dresser. "Can you leave now? I really have to shower."

"Jesus." I whispered, running my hands through my hair. "Elizabeth..."

"Charlie, leave me alone." Elizabeth said seriously. "Please."

"No." I said confidently, walking towards her. "Because you may act like you're all tough and innocent and shit but I can tell you're hurting."

"Hurting?" Elizabeth raised her eyebrows. "I can hurt on my own, thank you very much. I've gotten very good at it."

Her eyes were shining with tears but I just couldn't bring myself to leave.

"Elizabeth..." I whispered, walking towards her.

"Listen, I'm too emotional to talk about this right now. Please just leave me alone." Elizabeth shook her head, taking clothes out of the drawer.

"You're so fucking obnoxious." She hissed. "Just because we fucked doesn't mean anything. I have needs. You're a body. Deal with it."

And with that, she disappeared into her bathroom and left me standing there with a dagger in my back.

That bitch is brutal.

I turned on my heel and walked out of the room.

"Didn't go too well?" Tommy guessed as I walked past the couch.

I didn't even reply as I walked out to my truck and instantly drove home.

What I needed was a nice long workout to get her out of my mind for good.

But no matter how many laps I ran or reps I did or planks I held, I couldn't get that damn girl out of my head.

Because I may just be a body to her but she was slowly turning into everything for me.

"What's got you all worked up?" My dad asked as I walked into the house three hours later, soaked in sweat and my legs literally shaking.

"Wanna hit the gym before school tomorrow? It's been pointed out to me that my game is slacking. Gotta step it up before play offs." I said seriously, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.

My mom even looked up from cooking as I walked towards the stairs, both of them shocked at my sudden interest in football again.

"Chloe's in her room?" I asked curiously.

But I went upstairs without an answer and went into her room anyways.

"You're sweaty." Chloe said harshly. "Get out."

"Elizabeth Von Batton is a paradox within itself." I announced, sitting down on her bed.

"Charlie get off you stink!" She shrieked. "MOM!"

"Fine, fine, I'm leaving." I said, holding my hands up. "I'll drive you to school tomorrow, don't panic. Just be ready to go by a quarter after."

Chloe just watched me in shock as I left the room.

Seriously though, what the fuck did happen to me?

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