Thank you...

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I'm starting to see a pattern, and it's that I update this book around the same time each year with a small little blurb. So here's this years update I guess? I've noticed that this book has been getting attention again lately, as over the past few weeks I've been getting more notifications for this account, and 99% of them are for this book. So I guess I want to thank you guys for, if you are still reading this book and giving it support. If you are still a Wattpad user from when I first started and still have this book in your library I want to thank you for keeping it, and for staying with me for this long. I started writing this book back in my 8th grade year when I was just 13 years old. It's been 3 years now and I find myself coming back here, to see my growth as a writer and as a person. And I have all of you to thank for that, as this is my most popular book and has made me really put my effort into changing my style and trying something new with all of your help. As for my new readers! Where did you guys come from???? Please explain this to me! As I've been getting these new notifications I've been thinking about how important writing was for me when I was younger. It was my outlet and safe space for the longest time. When I was going through a hard time of losing my friends and having no where to turn, I came here to write and I got so much support and I remember all of that because of the support I'm still getting. So thank you, thank you to everyone who has and is reading this story. I appreciate it a million times over, I don't know where I'd be without this chapter of my life, though it has been closed for a long time now it's still nice to remember.

As on for more news, I'm thinking of returning to this account! Now I don't know what I'd do since I'm no longer in many fandoms anymore, I was thinking maybe I could do something of my own! With my own characters and quest, their own lives and styles. But I'd want it to be an interactive story, i.e. My readers chose what happens next, who dies, who lives, who gets hurt, etcetera etcetera. But tell me your ideas on that?? It's something that I've been thinking of recently, but if I don't post it here I'd post it on my Ao3 account. I'll keep y'all updated though if anyone actually wants that on here?? So that is the end of this tangent... kinda sad this is as long as my first few chapters but what are you going to do ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ. Maybe I'll see you guys in another year if I remember or maybe sooner? Who knows with me to be honest


(Holy shit its so weird signing that screen name, is a blast from the past man... I'll leave now Bye!)

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