chapter 7

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Emily's P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

" Cool thanks for the recording H. I'll see you tomorrow! " I said while my brother started pounding on my door. " Yeah anytime, do you and Nikki wanna go discuss the project tomorrow? " He asked. " Yeah sure i have to go though my brother is pounding on my door! " I said anxiously

" Bey H. " " OK bey. " I logged out of the call and went to open my door.

" What? " I asked annoyed while going back over to my computer to render the video. It really didn't need editing and i put the intro and outro in while talking to H. " Mom wants you. " Cody said while leaning on my door frame. " Fine! Come on I don't trust you in my room alone. " I said kinda sternly while walking over to the door. Its not that i don't like my brother, but the last time that i left him in my room alone he got on my computer and ruined half of my already edited videos, that took me 2 hours to edit and i don't want that to happen again.

" Yes mom?" I asked when i got to the kitchen she was making dinner. " Did you have a good day at school? " She asked. She is hiding something, she never does this unless she has something really important to tell me. " Yeah what do you have tot ell me, you only interrupt a recording when you have to tell me something really important? " " OK you know how you couldn't get tickets for pax prime or minecon? " " Yeah? " " Well happy early birthday! There is 4 for both!" My mom said holding out 8 tickets. " Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love you soooo much! " I screamed while giving her a hug.

" Your welcome, go have fun instead of playing video games and school work. You can stay the week after too! " OK this has officially been the best day ever. Now to tell Nik!

•-= Author note =-•

I totally forgot to finish this last night but chap 8 will be out later tonight. Hope you all enjoyed don't forget to comment vote and i will see you all in the next chapter!


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- @maddi241

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