Chapter 52

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- H's P.O.V. -

We were sitting in the hospital room after em gave birth and were just talking. I had the small box in my pocket just sitting there while I was trying to find the perfect time to give it to her. The people in here her, me her mom and brother, my parents and Graser and Noah came down from Canada.

" So how do you feel? " My mom asks her as we were everyone was sitting around her bed and I sat with her.

" Like I just lost 50. " She responds and we all laugh.

" So your Elizabeth's mom it's nice to meet you. " My mom says and I pull em closer to me and I she rest her head on my shoulder.

" Yes and your Liam's parents, it's weird our kids have been together for almost a year and we haven't meet yet. " her mom says and then our parents start to have a conversations.

" Do you guys think you could introduce us since we don't know each other? " graser ask and I laugh at him and his awkwardness.

" Graser this is Noah and Noah this is graser. " em said and they both say ohhh. " Cody! " she says and he looks up at her.

" Yes sis? " he asks and she pats the spot next to her. He sit next to her and she pulls him into a bear hug. " Stop your gonna mess up my hair! " he complains and we laugh at him.

" I'm with yay there I hate it when she messes up my hair that I put so much work into to look perfect. " Noah says.

" You two sound like girls get over yourselves. " She replies.

" At least her sass and smart mouth didn't go away. " graser complains and she smiles evilly. " H buddy why do you like her again? "

" I honestly don't know but I do! " I say and kiss her.

" mmhm. " she hums and I look down to see her falling asleep.

" Come on lets let her get some sleep. " I say and they all nod their heads and I told our parents. we walk out of the room and softly close the door behind us sand we stand in the hall.

" Well it was nice meeting all of you but we have to get back before cody here gets picked up. " Ems mom says and we all nod and say our good byes. 

" Well liam we will talk to you later but your sister is coming into town and we want to be there when she arrives but I hope that you and elizabeth come over and vist soon. " My mom says and Then we say our good byes and then they left. 

" And now there are three. " Noah said and we laugh at him.

" Now I know why em is friends with you. " I say and he smiles. " Do you know if any of the others are coming? " 

" Jerome and mitch said that they were gonna come for a few days but i forgot if they said that they were gonna be here today or tomorrow. I text them one sec. " He replys and pulls out his phone. I turn to graser and he is just smiling. 

" Why are you smiling robot I thought you werent so post to have fellings. " I tease.

" Becuase you really are father H now Hbomb94! " He said.and laughed at his own stupid joke.

" Oh god. " I mutter, I turn to noah and ask " So do you know when there gonna be here? " 

" They ust got to chicago so I think ima go and meet up with them because they dont even know where the hotel is but tell em well come see her either later tonight or tomorrow. " He said and I nod and said bye to him and he left.

" Graser bud you dont have to stay here ya know. " I say.

" Yeah but i dont want you to feel like everyone bailed on you. " 

" Dude it is fine here have the key and you can head back to our place and just crash because I know you havent slept in the past day or so. " 

" You sure? "

" Yes now go get some sleep. " 

" Fine, ill see ya later H, are you gonna go beck to the house later or just stay her with her? "

" Im gonna stay here but were coming back tomorrow afternoon. " 

" Alright ill see ya tomorrow bye H. " 

" Bye grase. " I say then her leaves. I walk back in the room and laydown next to her. I play with her hair for a while, and she wakes up around 6. 

" Have a nice sleep baby? " I whisper. 

" Yeah it just feels nice not having a huge stomach anymore. " She says and you can barley hear her. I smile and kiss her forehead. we just lay the for what felt like minutes but was like 3 hours. 

" Hey em. " I say randomly and she looks up at me.

" Yes. " she said and I knew where my thoughts were going now. I stood up and she sat up and criss crossed her legs. I stood right in front of her and held her hands in mine.

" Em you dont know how much I love and i dont think i could put it into words about how much i love and care for you. you bring a smile to my face and honestly make the best out of everything and I want to waste anymore time just being your boyfriend. I want to be able to call you mine and for you forever be mine. " I start out and she has tears in her eyes. I pull out the box and get on one knee. " Elizabeth stone will you marry me? " I ask and open the box.

" Oh my god H! Yes. I love you so much. " She says and I stand up and kiss her while tears are rolling down her face. I slip the ring on her finger and wipe away the tears that stain her wet face. 

" I love you so much. " I say and kiss her again. I lay back down next to her and pull her as close as I can to me. She lays her head on my chest and wraps her arms around my waist. we lay there like that and eventually we fall asleep, but now I get to start a new part of my like with the best person I could ever dream of spending it with. 

- authors note -

   I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. this is the 4th to last chapter, im so sad this story has gotten so far and im ending it so soon :( . Oh and chapters might be out late because I have started school today so I cant write at like 12 anymore but im gonna try my hardest to get a chapter out everyday! So if you enjoyed this chapter make sure to slap the vote button and comment something random or your thoughts on the story and I'll see y'all tomorrow BYEEEE!!!!!!


and sorry for the shortness of this chapter im suppa tired

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