Chapter 46

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- H's P.O.V. - ( after they move in to the house it's like 2 and a half weeks away from minecon )

WARNING: Major feelz in this chapter!

We had just set up our internet and computers and were about to record. There was 3 rooms on the top floor along with 2 bathrooms, there is living room, kitchen, another room, and a bathroom on the main floor.

" H do you like your new place?! " graser asks as we set everything up to record factions.

" Yeah it Noice. " I reply.

" What does the wolf think. "

" She likes it. "

" you two live together now how does it feel to live with your girlfriend? "

" It's not different like we were always together just but now we live together. "

" Awww.... hey H are ya going to minecon? "

" Yes graser. "

" Yes gbomb gets to meet again! "

" Yes we do ready to record? "

" Yup! "

- after recording and the video punished -

I had logged off of TS and went downstairs, to go see if em was still recording. She got the room downstairs to record while I got one upstairs. I knock on the door and open it slightly.

" Hey baby what's up? " she asks and I walk in and leave the door open.

" Just wanted to know if you you were done recording. "

" Yeah I'm done just waiting for this to process. "

" Well then do you want to go get something to eat? "

" Sure.. can you hand me my hair bow since I'm not gonna do anything to my hair. " She asks and I get it off of her table that has her xbox on it.

" You look beautiful no matter what you don't need to do anything and you'll look beautiful. " I say and pull her out of her computer chair and brush her lips against mine. She takes it out of my hand and puts her hair up in a bun.

" Yeah well my hair will get all frizzy if I don't put it up, or do something with it. " She says and smiles and I lace our hands together. We start to walk out if the house and down the street but then realize we don't know where were gonna go.

" Chipotle? " I ask and and she nods and smiles. We live like 25 minutes away from the city which isn't that bad, and there is a chipotle near us which makes it even better. We get our food and walk back to the house.

" Hey Liam. " I hear em ask after about 5 minutes of silence.

" Yes babe. "

" Never mind. " She said and shook her head and smiled up at me.

" What is it? " I ask and put my arm around her waist.

" I'll tell you later alright. " She said and I nod and kiss the side of her head. We finally get to the house and we decide to eat and watch a movie.

" Whatcha wanna watch? " I ask as I log onto Netflix on my Xbox in the living room.

" The house at the end of the street. " She says and I find it and press play. She comes and sits next to me and lays her head on my chest and wraps her arms around my waist. We were about halfway through I feel her hide her face in my chest and tighten her grip around my waist. Ok something is clearly wrong right now because she never does this and this isn't even that scary. I wait till the movie is over and pull her into my lap and give her a hug. She lays her head on my shoulder and we sit there like that for a minute then I feel my shirt starting to get wet, so I lift her face up from off of my shoulder and kiss her.

" Baby what's wrong? " I ask and gently kiss her again.

" Liam... I don't know how I'm going to tell you. " She said and I know this can't end well.

" What is it are you breaking up with me? " I ask hoping that wasn't what she wanted to tell me. She giggles and shakes her head no, and I let out a sigh of relief that I didn't know I was holding in.

" No no no nothing like that... Liam I.. I'm... I'm pregnant. " She said and all these thoughts were running through my mind.

" How far along and how long have you know. "

" I'm 2 weeks and I just found out a couple days ago. " She said and stared to tear up again.

" Shhh... shhh baby it will be ok everything will be ok " I whisper into her ear as I hug her again.

" I just don't think I'm ready... were ready to have a kid. "

" There's always adoption you know but you aren't getting a abortion. "

" No because if this baby ever finds us and we have other kids that we have keep then it's gonna think why me, why did I have to be given up. " she said and I nod and kiss her.

" So I guess that were having a kid. " I said and smiled a terrified smile by still a smile.

" I guess we are but don't tell anyone ok not till were both comfortable with people knowing. "

" Alright who knows right now. "

" Just my mom and you. " She says and I nod and we lay down on the couch, and I wrap my arms around her and she hides her face in my chest. I take a picture if us and tweet it out.

" @hbomb94: with the bae @gamerwolf who is going through a hard time right now but hopefully minecon lifts her spirit "

Her phone goes off but she doesn't move. I kiss her forehead and we just lay there for a while, in complete silence not doing anything.

" Whatcha thinkin about babe? " I ask and she shrugs but kept quite.

" Are you gonna talk to me? " I ask and there was no response.

" Elizabeth do I need to call your mom so you guys can talk? " I ask and still no response.

" I know your not asleep come on em talk to me. " I beg.

" What am I so post to say Liam it's not like I'm happy about this, and if you had wore protection I would have to be going through this. " She says and I sigh and sit up and pull her up with me.

" I knew you aren't happy and I know that this is my fault, but I still love you and I always will. I'll never stop loving you not even after death, your my everything and maybe this is a sign that we are meant to be more than boyfriend and girlfriend. " I say and kiss her again.

" I guess your right and I love you too. " she says and I smile.

" What ever you want baby I want to as long as were both safe and I'm with you. " I say and she start tearing up.

" Sorry I guess my mood is gonna start changing a lot now. " She says and giggles as I wipe away the tears that escaped. We end up watching a few more movies and then went up to bed. I carried her up there ,because she fell asleep, and set her down on the bed gently. I change and lay next to her.

" Love you em. " I mutter and pull her close to my body and fell asleep. Today was just the begin of my new life and I'm happy I get to spend it with the love of my life.

- authors note -

Hope you all enjoyed and sorry if I made you cry because I know I did while writing this. Ok so this will be one of my last chapter for this book because it has gone on long enough, probably another 7-9 chapters are left for it . If you did enjoy slap that vote button comment your thoughts on the story and me ending it soon and I will see y'all tomorrow BYEEEEE!!!!


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