chapter 49

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- Emily's P.O.V. - ( Day 2 of minecon )

I wake up and look up at liam who is still sleeping. I giggle and kiss his noes and try to get out of his embrace but he pulls me closer and tightens his grip around my waist.

" Liam, baby i gotta get up. " I whisper in his ear.

" lay here with me for another five minutes... please! " He complained and I shake my head no and laugh.

" Fine... " I say and he smiles. I rest my head back on his chest and close my eyes and we just lay there like that for who knows how long.

" Hey em I think it is time to get up if were gonna go.. " H said.

" But I dont want to get up now! " I complain and I hear him chuckle as I look up at him.

" Come on. " He said and sat up making me sit up with him, and pulled me onto his lap. I rest my head back on his shoulder and close my eyes. He kissed my cheek and I sighed and got off of his lap and went to grab my black thick nerdy but cute glasses off of the table on my side. i put them on smiled over at H who also got up. I go and wrap my arms around his waist and he turned around and kissed me.

" Go get ready. " He chuckled and I roll my eyes and go change and put on only a little make up. I Walked out to see H already dressed but he went and brushed his teeth and to somewhat fix his hair.

" Ready? " I ask as he walks out and comes to sit next to me. He stands back up and pulls me up with him and laces our hands together. " Come on then! " I said and grabbed mine and his bags and dragged him out the door.

" You know for a prenant person your still really stong. " He said as we walked in to the elevator. I Giggle and he threw his arm over my shoulder and grabbed his bag out of my hand. I wrap my arm around his waist and then the elevator opened and we walked up to graser and bayani.

" Hey prego lady havent seen you in a while. " Graser said and gave me a hug. I laugh at him and once we release jordan came and hugged me and tilted his head and have me a weird smile.

" whats up guys? " I as as H wraps his arms around my waist.

" Nothin much but your having a kid how does that feel? " Graser asks and bayani slapped him on the back of the head. I laugh and hear the elevator door open and quickly glance over at it and saw ashley walk out.

" i guess i kinda warmed up to the idea because I was frecking out before. " I said and waved towards ashley and motioned for her to come here. " Hey do you guys mind if my friend hangs with us becuase she doesnt wanna walk around alone? " I ask and she shake there heads yes when she walks up.

" ASHLEY!!!! " I yell and gave her a hug.

" Hi. " She said and I introduced her to everyone.

" wanna walk around with us ima need someone eles to hang with if i decide to ditch these people. " I say and she laughs and and nod her head yes. " YES ANOTHER CRAZY PERSON TO WALK AROUND WITH! " i said/ yelled and Ashley and I laugh and start to whisper towards each other while they guys give us weird looks.

" What this is my other crazy besides Noah in my group! " I saw towards them and, they throw there hands up in defeat because they don't wanna get into a fight with me.

" so this was your idea wasn't it. " she asks.

" Well duh, I didn't want you to walk around alone since it was just you and me yesterday. " I said and she smiled and, I scrunched up my face and smiled back.

" Weirdo. " she said and I start making weird but goofy faces towards her. " Why do you like her again? " she asked h and he looked over at us.

" I honestly don't know but I do. " he said and kissed my cheek while Ashley rolled her eyes.

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