Chapter 44

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- H's P.O.V. - ( next day )

I wake up to my phone going off, so I decide to just get up and check it.

" Hm.. dean would have thought it was graser. " I mutter as I see what it says.

Hey H

Hey dean what's up

Nothing... hey thanks for coming with us last night, I don't think the girls had much fun though

No problem, and you have to remember there not normal girls there nerdy

Yeah that's true I think that I'm gonna try again but us this time and she'll get to pick

Yeah, that sounds like a better plan

Alright thanks dude, I'll talk to you later

Alright bye

" Well I can't go back to sleep now.... " I mutter and go on twitter. I was about half way through when I saw em posted.

" The mess that I have to clean up after last night because of my mom and brother... picture ... anyways good morning "

" @gamerwolf need some help? " I decide to ask because I wanted to be a nice person. I get a text from her almost immediately I sent that.

Ummm yeah how do you get frosting off of a wall?

I don't know but I can come over and help

Ok see you when you get here

I turn off my phone and get out of bed. I change and grab my phone and started walking over to her house. when I get there I walk in and go up the stairs into the kitchen, where she was sitting on the floor on her phone.

" What in the world happened here?! " I ask and she looks up at me.

" My mom and brother had a icing fight last night and I get stuck cleaning it up. " she said and got up.

" Nice.... come on let's clean this up. " I say and she shuts her phone off and sets it on the counter. I decide to be funny and get some off of the wall and throw it at her.

" What the hell H! " she screams and I start laughing at her.

" Whoops..... " I said and smirk and turn around to go to the sink. I felt something hit me so I turn around.

" Elizabeth! " I mimic.

" Whoops... " she said and starts laughing at me.

" That's not funny. " I say and walk up to met and wrap my arms around her waist.

" Yes it is.... and don't call my Elizabeth. " she said and I roll my eyes.

" Whatever you say Elizabeth. " I tease and she smacks my arm.

" No. " she said and tried to get out of my hold but I tightened my grip.

" Nope give me a kiss and I'll let you go. " I say and she pouts.

" Fine.... " she said and pecked my lips. I smile and release her from my hold.

" Come on let's clean up this mess. " I say and she agrees. we clean the kitchen and go back down into her room.

" So whatcha wanna do? " she asks while falling down on her bed.

" Don't know. " I said and lay next to her. she lays her head on my chest and curled the rest of her body into my side. We lay there for about 10 minutes, in complete silence as I play with her hair.

" Hey H. " she said.

" Yeah. "

" I love you. " She said and I kissed the top of her head.

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