chapter 47

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- Emily's P.O.V. - ( Day they leave for minecon )

   Its been a month and I'm hardly showing which I'm happy about. I still haven't told anybody but H told his parents and their supportive which is a good thing. I was planing on telling the guys or at least Ashley nikki and jack, and H is gonna tell the cube guys which hopefully will go well. I just don't know what I'm gonna do, how people are gonna react, all i know is that I dont want either of us to get hate for this. I am currently standing in the bathroom looking at my stomach in the full body mirror, i have a small bump but it is hardly noticeable. I see the door open and H was standing there smiling at me. I pull my shirt back down and he comes up and wraps his arms around my waist and rest his head on mine and looks at us in the mirror.

" Ya ready? we have to meet nikki and jack at the airport soon. " He asks and I nod and half smile at him. Him and jack have became really good friends over the past few months, which is always a plus for me knowing all three of my favorite guys all get along.

" Yeah come on. " I say and start walk out of the door but get stopped. H pulls me back into his grip and kissed my cheek.

" Now we can go. " He said and picked me up bridal style and carried me out to the car. He set me down and oped the door for me to get in, while I gave him a really look. He smiles as i get in and gose to the other side and gets in. He looks over at me and pecks my cheek and starts the car, and drives us to the airport. ( Had a hard time phrasing this so it is crappy. )  when we get there He grabs both our bags even though im fully capable of caring mine which probably weigh 10x more than his.

" H let me carry something. " I say after the 10th time and he finally gives in. he hands me bags and I smile in defeat as we walk in and and all that airport crap. When we get through everything go to the area to wait before the plane is called and I see nikki and jack. I run up to them and pull them into the tightest group hug we probably ever have done. 

" OH MY GOD I have missed you guys!!!!!! " I say and we all smile and laugh.  

" I know ever since you moved in with H you have been avoiding us! " she said and and I shrug.

" Hey HBOMB94! " Nikki yells and gives him a side hug.

" Hey nik, wheres my boy dean? " He asked and she pointed over to where you can get coffee.

" I'm gonna go say hey to him and get something, you guys want anything? " he asked and we all shook our heads no and he went over to the coffee stand.

" Hey guys I have to tell you guys something..... " I start and they look at me and we all sit down.

" What is it? " jack asks, sounding like a concerned girl which he is.

" I'm pregnant. " I say and then i hear nikki start squealing and jack just kinda sat there in shock.

" Is it liams? " Jack asked and me and nikki both slap him and give him a death glare.

" Yes it is liams you idiot! " I say and slap him again.

" Why would you ask such a stupid question?, we all know you arent smart but we didnt know you didnt have a brain. " Nik says and we all laugh at her remark.

" You never know some girls are different. " jack said and shrugged, and me and nik almost pounced on him if it wasnt for liam and dean coming back over to us. 

" You two look like your ready to kill, and hey em! " Dean said and hugged me.

" We arent just jack being jack. " I say and shoot him a look.

" you ok babe? " H asked and nod yeah and he kissed me on the cheek.

" I feel like a loner. " Jack said and me and nik laugh at him.

" You are a loner jack, but me and em are guy experts well find you one! " Nikki said and I nod and he goes bright red.

" Just one question do you want to be the guy or the girl in the relationship? " i ask and he goes an even deeper shade of red.

" Don't pick on jack guys, he did nothing wrong. " Dean said and he went to a blood red shade.

" H did you tell him because these two know? " I ask and he shakes his head no. 

" Tell me what? " 

" Liam knocked up em. " Nikki said in  a very serious tone, which made me laugh as H blushed.

" Love the wording for that nik! " I say and she smiles proudly. we continue to talk and when our fight number is called we go through the whole passport, thing than took our sets on the plane. 

- after a 12 hour flight -

   '' baby its time to get up the plane is about to land. " I hear H say and I open one eye and look at him.

" fine fine I'm awake. " I said and he kisses me on the nose. I roll my eyes and smile at him.

" Good morning sunshine! " he whispered in my ear which sent chills down my back. when the plane landed we all got our stuff and walked over to the rental car place. when we got 3 we all said our goodbyes and drove over to the hotel. We got our room and we looked at the time.

" Its 10pm and im still tired so im gonna go to bed, night baby. " I say and kiss him and go change and crawl into bed. about 5 minutes later, and i only know this because I'm on my phone, i felt weight shift next to me and H took my phone and put it on charge then wrapped his arms around my waist. 

" Good night em, i love you! " he whispered and kissed my forehead since I turned to face him.

" night H, I love you more. " i say.

" not possible. "

" Yes possible. " ( IF ANYONE GETS THAT REFERENCE I LOVE YOU!!!! ) I kiss him yet again and fall asleep almost instaly after I closed my eyes.

- authors note -

hope you all enjoyed! I have decided that this will be the 10th chapter till the end of this book, and I want to know do you guys want me to do back to back to back updates of this story to finish it off or go every other day till i finish it. its up to you guys leave a comment on what you want of if you enjoyed slap that like button and ill see y'all tomorrow BYEEEEE!!!!!!


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