Chapter 54

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-H's P.O.V. - ( about two weeks later after everyone leaves )

I hear one of the twins crying and I feel em start to get up.

" I'll handle this one baby you get some sleep. " I say and get up. She nods and lays back down and curls up into a ball and falls back to sleep. I smile and walk into the twins room and see that Maddie is crying but Riley is awake. I walk over to Maddie's crib and pick her up. I change her then sit in the rocking chair and slowly go back and forth till she falls back asleep. I set her back down in her crib then go over to Riley's crib. She had fallen back asleep so I walked quietly back to mine and ems room trying not to wake anyone. I lay back down and wrap my arms around ems wrap my arms around he waist and fall back to sleep.

- 9 am -

I was on my phone texting my mom when about later today when em came came downstairs with the twins.

" Here let me take Maddie. " I say and set my phone down and walk up to her and take Maddie. We were taking the twins to see my parents and tomorrow they were gonna see her mom.

- once they get there and say there hellos because Ima lazy person right now. -

" There so adorable, god do I miss baby's. " My mom says as she is holding Riley and my dad has Maddie. Em laughs and her and my mom get into a conversation about something. Then me and my dad start talking.

" So how does it feel to be a father? " he asks.

" It's alright em does most of the parenting stuff and I feel bad about it but she always get there before i do "

" One thing that most women do is take care of the kids it's like an instinct to them, just don't worry about it and some days she'll probably ask for you to do something but it's nothing to worry about. "

" I guess your right. " I reply and my dad hands me Maddie. I smile down at her and she they'd to grab my shirt. I chuckle and shift my eyes back up to look at my dad.

" Just don't worry alright, your mother was the same way but I was still part of the parenting just more active after the first 6-7 months. " he said and I smile at him and Maddie grabs one of his fingers after not being able to get a grip on my shirt.

" She such a cutie now isn't she, you picked the right girl Liam you know that right. "

" Yeah I know. " I reply and glance over at em and she looks at me and smiles. We continue to talk for a while then it started to get late.

" Well it was nice seeing you two again! " my mom says and hugs us both.

" Yeah good seeing you two and the twins. " My dad replies. We say our good byes one last time then we go head home

- once they are home -

We washed and feed the twin and then put then to bed. Em was on her phone scrolling through I think twitter and I was sitting on team speak talking to the guys.

" Hey em. " I say after a while.

" Yeah. "

" Whatcha doin? "

" Scrolling through my pictures trying to find a good one for my screen saver. " She says and I grab her phone. " Hey what was that for?! "

" I'll pick it, what do you want a lock screen, home screen both? "

" Both and fine go a head but if it is a crappy picture I'm changing it. " She says and I pick out a picture of both of is as her home screen and one she has of the twins as the lock. I had it back and she looks at the two I picked.

" Thanks there cute. " She say and yawns.

" Get some sleep tonight alright I'll take care of the twins. " I say and she gives a uncertain look then agrees. We both get ready for bed then lay down. She falls asleep within seconds but I lay there for a while just thinking then let my mind slip and I fall asleep.

- authors note -

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. This is the second to last chapter so tomorrow's is gonna be the last ever chapter for this book :'( but there will be a short epilogue after tomorrow's just explaining everything after. Tomorrow's will have a huge time skip to the wedding because I think that will be a good place to end it off. And I want to know for the next book I write do y'all want a happy one or a depressing one because I kinda wanna write a graser fanfic similar to no hope, but it's all up to you guys. On a happier note Grasers is super adorable just saying, in kinda obsessed with h and graser ATM and I got my friend obsessed with them so I think I did a good thing :). Also if you did enjoy slap that vote button comments and I'll see y'all tomorrow BYEEEEEE!!!!!!


Also sorry for the shortness I fell asleep around the time I write and I had to go out earlier so I couldn't write :( but I'll try to make tomorrow's chapter longer than Normal.

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