chapter 28

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ H's P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Me and Emily just got to the airport and we were at baggage claim then went through security and were waiting for our flight number to be called. Emily saw Nikki apparently because she got up and ran over and hugged two people. One of them was a guy that I suspected to be Jackson. I had been with Emily since January and still only know Nikki. They came over to us and Em sat on my right and Nikki on my left. " Hey Nikki! " I say to her. " HEY Liam! " She practically yells. " This is Jackson by the way. " Em added. " Hey. " " Hi. " ok this is awkward but I really don't pay much attention as I scroll through twitter and the girls get into a deep conversation about who knows what. I was replying to something Graser said when I heard over the intercom, " Flight 228 to Seattle now boarding. " Emily gets up and grabs her stuff and I do the same, and we board the plane finding our seats right behind Nikki and Jackson and wait for the plane to take off.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After the flight ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I look over at Emily and she was asleep, I felt bad for waking her up but it had to be done. " Babe time to get up. " I say. " Fine " she complained and opened her beautiful hazel eyes and put her glasses on which she looks adorable in. We get our stuff and head over to baggage claim and grab our bags. She says her good beys to Nikki and Jackson because we are in two different hotels and we get a rental car, and drive to the hotel. Almost all the cube guys will be here except for straub bee and Stacy I think. Em seems a little nervous but I'm sure everyone will love her. I know some of the people she records with will be here to but i don't know who. The car ride was silent but I held her wand all the way there. When we got there I got the luggage and she went to check in. We get to the room and decide to go to bed even if it is only 7:30 but it has been a long day. I tweet out that I am in Seattle and I look over at Emily. She is snuggled up into my side so I wrap my arms around her and kiss her forehead. " Good night my little wolf I love you. " I said. " Good night H I love you too. " She says and we fall asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Authors note ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I hope you all enjoyed chapter 28! 29 and 30 will be out tomorrow! I didn't really know how to end off the chapter so that's why is is awkward whoops....... Anyways don't forget to leave a comment and vote if you enjoyed and I will see you guys in the next chapter BEYYYY!!!!!!!!


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