Genins again!?

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(Hi everyone! This will be an epic story! I hope you all enjoy this!)

Shikamaru slowly sat up and let out a loud yawn, rubbing his eye from tiredness, he didn't opened his eyes, he only walked to his closet to get some clothes and walked to the bathroom to take a shower. He slowly opened the door to walk into the bathroom and closed it behind him, then he stripped down his clothes and turned the shower on. Shikamaru climbed into the shower and sighed when the warm water hit his skin, thinking that today will be another, long troublesome day. Shikamaru then noticed that something was off, for some reason he felt somehow smaller, and the shower's head felt so far away from him. He only shrugged it off and continued​ washing, never noticing that he really did shrink.

'Why do I keep feeling that something is off? Am I sick again?'

When something bothers the smart Nara, it would be either something terrible will happen, or it will be a very bad day. After Shikamaru had done washing himself, he climbed out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his body, walking to the mirror to wash his face. When he did he looked himself in the mirror, but he blinked when he saw something surprising, there, staring back at him, is his 12-year old self. He blinked once, then twice, then trice, then rubbed his eyes to wipe the sand out if his eyes, but when he looked in the mirror again, it was still the same image of his 12-year old body. This time he pinched himself to double check if he's dreaming, feeling the pain alerted him that this wasn't a dream, all of this is true, he's a genin again.


This wasn't happening, what the hell had happened to him, he was 12 again, and that shocked the genius mind to no end. He closed his eyes tightly to think what had happened, then his eyes shot opened in realisation, but then growled, all this doing must be Madara's doing. Who else had he send back in time, is he the only one, he hoped not. Shikamaru quickly dried him off and put on his s clothes, opening the door and looked at the calender, but then he gasp when he saw what day it was.

"Oh crap! I'm going to be late!"

With that he dashed out of his room and jumped off the stairs, not bothering to say "good morning" or "goodbye", only grabbing a toast from his unexpected father and dashed out of the house and ran as fast as he could to the academy. Knowing Iruka-sensie, he's going to be mad that he's late. Just as he went around the corner, he bumped into two human beings, when he looked to see who it was, his eyes went wide.

'Hinata and Sakura?'


Hinata stretched​, groaning heavenly when her muscles felt surprisingly relaxed, what she remembered was that she was training with Neji yesterday, and is exercises was painfully difficult, it took her 5 hours to get a hang of it, and now she should have felt that her body would be at leats sore from it. Hinata removed her cover and walked to her closet (Just like Shikamaru did) and opened it, not realising what she was pulling out, and walked to the bathroom to take a nice, long, relaxing bath. She filled the tub with warm water, getting a little inpatient that the water is running slow. After the tub was finished filling, she stripped her clothes off and hopped into the tub, laying peacefully​ in the warm water.

"...*Why do I have have a bad feeling? Is there something I should worry about?*... Strange, really strange."

Something was off, she suddenly felt somehow lighter, even her chest felt lighter. She only shrugged it off and washed​ herself, but then she jerked and looked down, gasping when she saw her chest was smaller. She quickly grabbed her hair and felt it was very short, and that caused her to jump out of the bath tub and to the mirror, wiping it and then blinked (just how Shikamaru did) and then screamed in horror, she's 12 again!


'What the hell happened to me!? How did I got so young again!?'

Whoever is responsible for this, is going to die when she find that person. She climbed back into the tub and quickly washed herself while thinking when this had happened, but then immediately stopped and gasp in horror in realisation, all this is Madara's doing! When she finds him, she's going to gave him a piece of her mind, and it ain't going to be pretty. Hinata climbed out of the tub and quickly dried herself off and put her clothes on, running out of the bathroom​ to a calender and stared at the clock, and she gasp again in horror.


With that she dashed out of the room and ran down stairs, not bothering to say a word to her father nor her sister, knowing that they won't answer her back. She grabbed an apple and dashed out of the mansion, passing by many unexpected Huygas that had stepped out of the way. They were surprised by her sudden speed when she ran fast to the academy. Just as she ran around the corner, she accidentally bumped into two human beings. She opened her eyes to see to who she should say sorry, but gasp when she saw who they are.

'Sakura and Shikamaru?'


Sakura didn't want to wake up, she felt too tired to get up, but she had to, she stretched and yawned before climbing​ out of her bed and walked to her closet, her eyes too fuzzy to notice the change. She walked to the bathroom, forcing herself to open the door and closed it behind her, then turned the shower on while stripping from her clothes. Sakura hopped into the shower and grabbed he shampoo, squeezing a hand full of it and immediately began to wash​ her hair, though she didn't realise that it was long.


Sakura could feel that something was off, she felt somehow... strange, she felt like that her body had changed. And the shower, it was suddenly bigger, and higher than her, she felt really small. Sakura shook her head and continued​ washing, but she can't shake off the feeling that something was really off. After she has showered, she climbed out of it and walked to the mirror to brush her teeth, but when she was finished and looked herself in the mirror, Sakura had dropped he toothbrush in shock, there, staring back at her, is her 12-year old body. She blinked once, then twice, and lastly trice before screaming in shock.


Sakura quickly examand herself, seeing that she had indeed turned back to an 12-year old. She closed her eyes to concentrate, trying to remember what had happened before this mess had happened. After a few minutes of thinking, her eyes snapped opened when she remembered, but then groaned in annoyence.

"That Madara, I did not expect that he would do this, he better not had send me alone in time travel, or else when I meet again, he's so dead."

With that Sakura pulled out a sissor out of the drawer and immediately began to cut her hair short, ever since training with Lady Tsunade, before she was send back in time, she began to hate long hairs, she liked her short hair. After cutting her hair short, she put her clothes on and walked out of the bathroom and to he calendar, then looked to see what the time is. She froze in fear when she realised what day it was.


With that she dashed out of her room and ran down stairs, quickly saying morning to her parents before grabbing some bacon and dashed out of her house and ran as fast as she could to the academy. Iruka-sensie will not be happy that she's late, or he better not tell himself that she's a Kakashi number two. Just as she turned around the corner, two human beings had accidentally bumped into her, making all three of them to fall down. She opened her eyes to see who was blind enough to bump into her, but gasp when she saw who they are.

'Shikamaru and Hinata?'

(So what did you all think? Not my best way to start a story, but at least I tried. Please tell me what you guys think about my story.)

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