Taking care of the sensei

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(Hi everyone, this chapter will be a written differently, so enjoy this chapter.)

Sakura pov

Haku. So he decided to show himself, I'm not even worried that this is happening again, I'll make sure to change his heart. Kakashi walked to Zabuza and placed two fingers on his neck to feel any pulse, but shook his head  when he felt nothing.

"No pulse, Zabuza is dead."

When Kakashi waked back to me, Haku suddenly jumped and landed besides Zabuza's "dead" body, then turned towards​us to "thank" us again.

"Thank you for saving me the trouble to track him down. I've been chasing this traitor for a long time."

I still stared blankly at him, showing that I'm not interested in this bull shit stuff, obviously he's lying, but I can't blow my cover just yet. Kakashi's eyes were watching me, I could feel it, but for now I just simply ignored it and only nod my head at Haku.

"It's no big deal, he attacked our friend so someone had to stop him."

"Indeed little one, you leaf ninjas did the right thing, now I must be off, I need to burn the body to make sure nobody steals anymore information."

Haku had bended down to pick Zabuza up, but was stopped when I spoke up to get his attention, and I just had to say this.

"Aren't tracking nins like you supposed to to burn the body right where the body lay?"

"Yes, but I don't want to give you kids nightmares. I may have to dismember him, chop him into tiny little pieces​ and then burn what is left."

"Cool, can I see any of that?"

I stared amusingly at his panic form, and I could also hear disbelieving gasp behind me, and I couldn't help it but giggle. It's really fun to amuse myself, but I had to let Haku go before anyone gets suspicious at me.

"I'm just kidding, no need to panic to cause our boys here to get nightmares."

Haku sighed in relief, grateful that I was only "kidding", though I would love to see it, but I will leave that for another day. He bowed his head and picked up Zabuza, placed him on his shoulder and did a hand sign with one hand before speaking.

"Farewell, hope to see you soon one day."

'Yeah, like in a week you will.'

We watched as Haku disappeared with Zabuza, wind and leaves carrying them away till I couldn't sense them anymore. Well then, it's time to... oh right Kakashi is going to faint in 3, 2, 1. I quickly caught Kakashi before he could touch the ground, he used a lot of energy (rage) and chakra to kick Zabuza's ass. I could hear Naruto begin to panic and rushed towards us along with Sasuke and Tanzuna, they all stared at me in worry.

"Don't worry, he's just exhausted, he used a lot of chakra on that sharingan to copy Zabuza's move. He just need some rest."

They all sighed in relief, glad that Kakashi is going to be alright, I mean he is the best sensei we could ever ask for, although he can be a pervert sometimes. I hosted Kakashi on my back and walked further, but stopped when Naruto begin protest.

"Wait Sakura, let me carry sensei, or at least Sasuke."

"It's fine Naruto, for me it's training, I need to keep in shape if Gato decides to send more of his henchmen after us. Now, Tanzuna, if you would kindly show us the way to your home please."


Normal pov

Team 7 and Tanzuna made to his house, and when they went into​the house, they were greeted by Tanzuna's daughter, Tsunami.

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