The final battle and changing the hearts

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(Yo, so glad you guys enjoy this story so far, so I hope you all will enjoy this chapter.)

Haku couldn't believe this, he was getting his ass kicked by this child, but right now it isn't a child, he's a demon. He tried every ankle to to stop Naruto, but to no value, he's just too strong and too fast. Every time he manage to hit him with the needles, he would blow them away, and a lot of the ice walls would end up destroyed. And when Haku threw the needles at him, Naruto would scream them away and punch the wall Haku was in.

' I need to stop him, he's no longer a child.'

Haku didn't get the chance to attack him, because Naruto had came out of nowhere and punched him hard in the face, well mask actually, and it send him flying a good few metres. Naruto growled angryly like demon, staring at his prey before charging at him fast.

' Zabuza, I am no match for this boy.'

Haku slowly stood up, his mask breaking and falling to the ground, and when he stood up and looked at Naruto, he jumped in the air and prepared to finish him off.

' Master, I failed you, I'm sorry.'

The last piece of Haku's mask had fallen to the ground, he waited for Naruto to give the final blow, but when the jinjuuriki saw who it was, he stopped himself from punching him. Naruto took a few, impatient breaths while thinking he had seen him somewhere before. He suddenly gasp in realisation and pointed a finger at him.

"It's you! The guy from the forest!"


Kakashi was getting annoyed, he hates it to play around, so he took out a scroll and took a little blood from his wound, opening the scroll and smeared blood it. He twriled it around while calling Zabuza out.

"As much fun as it is to play around, but I think it's time that we end this."

Kakashi closed the scroll and put it between his fingers while he did a hand sign, sending chakra to the scroll.

"Come on Zabuza we're both busy people."

"Tempting as it Kakashi, but I'll stay put where I'm safe, but I like to see what you're up to, SHOW ME KAKASHI!!"

"*Well he asked for it* Summoning earth style, scatter!"

(A/N : Sorry I don know his summoning jutsu, please don't kill me Kakashi fans!)

Kakashi suddenly slammed the scroll on the ground, and it caused creatures to travel underneath him towards Zabuza. Sakura listened, waiting to hear her cue to take action, but then smiled when she heard Zabuza's pained cries. Kakashi got him, well it's about damn time, so she made her way to them, knowing that Tanzuna will be safe. She made two shadow clones, one was send to Naruto and Haku, and the other one to Sasuke to make sure he was okay. Zabuza glared at Kakashi, angry that he had beaten him once again, he hates it when it happens to him.

"Now that you got me Kakashi, are you going to kill me?"

"As much as I want to kill you, but I promised Sakura I won't kill you, even if it is tempting to do so."

"The pink haired girl? Why?"

Kakashi was going to tell him why Sakura wanted him alive, but was beaten by the girl herself who had out of nowhere appeared next to Kakashi.

"So I can talk some senses into you Momochi."

Zabuza blinked once, then twice, then trice, his mind was working right. He had not just heard that, thinking that this girl was joking, but when he looked closer, he could tell that she wasn't.



Naruto stared sadly at a weeping Haku, understanding what he had to go through, but he can't just fell sorry like that, he had killed Sasuke after all (wrong Naruto, wrong). Haku lifted his head and pleaded Naruto.

"Please, just kill me, I'm nothing more than a broken tool now. I can't live on anymore."

Naruto hisatent a little, he really didn't want to do this, he wasn't a killer, he didn't like killing people, and Haku saw this, so he pushed further.

"Was avenging your friend just empty words? At least kill me for his sake."

That had got him to pull out his kunai, he gripped it and begin to run at Haku and he screamed.

"This is for Sasuke!"

Naruto was ready to plant the kunai deep into Haku's heart, but he was suddenly stopped by Sakura, the kunai missing Haku's chest just an inch. Both boys stared at her surprisingly.

"S-Sakura wha-"

"Naruto wait, Sasuke is still alive, I checked his pulse, no need to kill Haku. Leave him to me."

Naruto stared at her like she's crazy, but he didn't dare ask, he only nodded and ran to where Sasuke and the other Sakura is. Sakura stood in front of Haku and spoke.

"Now, I'm going to talk some senses into you."

Haku had listened what Sakura had to say, and he stared wide eyed at her, but then looked to the ground, thinking what she had said. When he looked at Sakura, she looked at him seriously but patiently.

"So what's your answer? Are you going to help protect this village, or must I kill you? I'm giving you a chance to live and have a family of your own."

"...* That actually sounds nice, and for Zabuza to also have a family of his own will be nice too*... Okay, I accept."


"Are you kidding me!?"

"I'm not Zabuza, I'm really serious, just think about it."

Zabuza couldn't believe this girl, she's actually giving him a second chance to have a live, after all what he did to them, she just forgive like that. He thought for awhile, debating to take the offer, or just be killed by this girl, but in the end he gave in.

"Fine, I accept your offer."

Sakura smiled, she had done it, she found two body gaurds for this people, and they are going to have a family one day. Kakashi smiled under his mask, impressed that she had managed to change their hearts. He dispell his justu and freed Zabuza, and thankfully Zabuza didn't attacked them. He put his hands on his neck and begin to rub it, feeling suddenly awkward.

"So, now what happens?"

"Simple, we kill Gato and his goons."

That got Zabuza to smirk, he cracked his knuckles and begin to chuckle, that was the best idea he ever heard in his life.

"Okay then, let's get started."

(Okay done with this one, I hope you enjoyed it,and to let you now, a lot of lines will be skipped, so after the next chapter, it will be where they meet the sand siblings)

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