The chuunin exam part four

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(This chapter will be a longer than the other chapters, but I hope you will enjoy this!)

Today is the day of of the final chuunin exam, and was now a month later and Sakura's parents are back, they we're quite surprised by when they heard she had passed the exam, and today she'll deffinatly show off her ability. She had to beg Gay to train her since Kakashi was busy with Sasuke and Jiraiya was busy with Naruto. Now and then Sakura would help Naruto to control the nine tail's chakra, which took them 2 weeks, and help with Sasuke's sharingan to be complete, lucky for her and him, it only took 6 hours. Now as for her, being intelligence, she opened 4 gates, it only took her a week. Everyone one was here, thankfully Sasuke too, so that means her threat had worked. She had threatened Kakashi if Sasuke isn't there with them and they ended up being late and he nearly being disqualified, she'll burn his books he hold dear.

"Although, today is the day of the final chuunin exam, I hope you all will enjoy this fight!"

Everyone cheered, excited to see epic battles, and Sakura smiled, she also can't wait to give an excellent battle, although it will leave her few cuts and bruises, and then end up fighting Gaara's real form when the invasion begins. She hopes that she'll change Gaara, enough to leave the village alone. Gaara glanced at Sakura, seeing that she is so pumped up and ready to fight. He can't believe he had fall for her, he denied it so many times that it was nothing, but it kept annoying him to no end, so he had to ask his siblings, and to his shock, they told him that he was in love with her. Even Temari had admitted that she had fallen in love with Shikamaru, she was lost this one time and he found her and showed her around. Every time they met, her heart won't stop pounding. Gaara quickly shook his head and walked with everyone to the place they should wait until the match was over.

"Now I let this match begin!"

Genma, a new proctor (most of you know why😖), had asked if any of the fighters were ready, and they both nodded. When Genma began the match, Naruto quickly summoned chakra to his feet for speed, and Kankuro immediately unwrapped his his puppet and send it to Naruto. Luckily for Naruto, Sakura had explained that Kankuro's puppets are filled with poison, and she made up an excuse that she saw him once pour poison in items and put it in his puppets. Kankuro was getting frustrated, he can't land a single blow on this brat, but thank God the boy didn't didn't go near him. Naruto had send many clones at him, but he let Kankuro purposely hit his clones. After an half an hour, Naruto's normal chakra was drained, but he smirked and made a hand sign.

"I'm done playing around, now it's time to get serious! Believe it!"

With that, the ground underneath them began to shake, and Kankuro watched in fear when he suddenly saw red chakra, and chakras are invisible, not visible. Naruto had once again summoned chakra to his feet again, and when he moved, Kankuro was being beaten up badly. When Naruto give one last punch, it send Kankuro flying 7 meters. He stood up shakingly, unable to go on, so he raised his hand and yelled out that he quits. This made Sakura smirk, it was about damn time that he taste his own medicine. Temari had to keep herself from gasping, his brother had just been beaten by this idiot, then again, she admits that Kankuro is also an idiot.

"The winner is Naruto Uzumaki."

With that everyone cheered, amazed to see such a good battle, especially from Naruto. Naruto had ran around and had blew kisses everywhere, making few people chuckle and giggle at his childish manner. Sakura titled her head at Sasuke and smiled.

"Guess who's turn is it now."

Sasuke smirked, it was finally his turn to show what an Uchiha is made of, so he jumped off and walked to Genma, and Shino did the same. Naruto ran out of the ground and to Sakura, hugging her tightly, and it made Gaara send death glares at Naruto. Hinata saw this and quickly asked Naruto a question.

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