The chuunin exam part one

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(There will be free lines the been cutted out, so please don't kill me🙇!)

Normal pov

Today is the day of the chuunin exam, and Sakura was really excited, she, Shikamaru, and Hinata are going to show off to everyone, and their faces would be funny. Sakura waited outside of the academy, since the first part is writing paper, she'll make sure that Ino doesn't use that jutsu on her this time. Sasuke came walking around the corner with his hands in his pockets, not giving a damn what's going to happen. Naruto showed up just 15 minutes later, jumping excitedly.

"Naruto can you please calm down? It is going to be a long exam, so safe your energy."

"I can't I can't I caaaaaaannnn'ttt! I'm just too excited."

Sakura giggled while Sasuke shook his head in amusement, this will be an interesting exam indeed. All three of them walked in the academy, ready for the worst that can happen. When they got to the first floor, it was crowded by many genins, and the other two "genins" had punched Lee in the face that had made Sakura really angry. She quickly snapped out of her anger and whispered to both her teams.

"This floor is casted, it's the second floor, not the third floor."

They both nodded and walked to the two "genins" that now just punched Tenten straight in the face, and Sakura quickly caught her.

"Hey are you alright?"

Tenten turned her head to see who had caught her, but then stared at her. Sakura know that look so she quickly helped her up and stuck out a hand.

"The name is Sakura Haruno, and if you're asking if my hair colour is natural, yes it is. And you are?"

"... Tenten, nice to meet you."

Sakura smiled brightly at her, she took Tenten's hand and began to shake it, then let go of her hand and glared at the two "genins", not happy that they had hurt her friends.

"If any of you hurt my friend here again, I'll punch both of you into next month."

"My my, we got ourselves a tough and feisty one here. Why try making us stop?"

Sakura smirked at them, she slowly lift her one leg and slammed it under her, making a crack on the ground that had spread 5 radius. Everyone, except Sasuke and Naruto who had gotten used to it, stared at her in shock and disbelief. Sasuke smirked and spoke.

"You guys were saying? If I were you I would move out of the way do we can go to the third floor, and dispell the damn illusion. You can't fool our team."

Sakura's smirk widened even more when the illusion was dispelled and the two "genins" disappeared, leaving them alone.

"Well that went well, nice work Sakura."

Before team 7 walked to the next floor, someone had called out to them, making them stop to see who it is, Sakura only smiled to see it was Lee.

"It's... Sakura Haruno right? I'm Rock Lee! It would be an honour for you to be my girlfriend, I'll protect you with my life.

Lee had thumbs up, closed one eye and smiled at her, his teeth "sparkling" that nearly made Sakura giggle, but she bit it back.

"Thank you, but I'm afraid I have to decline. I like someone else and we just met. But I'll like to be your friend though, if it's possible."

Lee dropped his head in depressed, but being friends with her is better than nothing, so he looked at Sakura and nodded her head.

"Indeed it is possible. I'll see you at the chuunin exam!"

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