The C-rank mission

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(Yo, alright everyone, this chapter is going to be very long, so please be patient. Also, Sakura will use curse words. Enjoy~!)

Kakashi pov

Sakura is really strange and full of surprises, I would expect her to hit Naruto only and fangirl over Sasuke, but she had surprised me by hitting both boys on the head and called them childish snot nose brats. Both Naruto and Sasuke are terrified by her, and to be honest, I myself am terrified by her scariness, and where the hell did she learn to break and crack trees and boulders like that? I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when Naruto whined and complained for doing boring D-rank missions, and Sasuke and Sakura were with Naruto on this one, for once.

"Come on​ old man! Give us some tough missions! I'm sick and tired with those damn D-rank missions!"


"But Iruka-sensei, how am I supposed to get stronger if we keep doing lame missions!?"

Why I was put up to be Naruto's​ sensei is beyond me, but he is the son of The Forth Hokage, my sensei's son. I was sad for awhile, feeling the guilt inside me begin to well up (I don't know if it's swell or dwell or well), but then I was being snapped out of my thoughts when someone poked me in my side. I looked ​to see who it is, and saw it was only Sakura, she looked very worried.

"You okay Kakashi-sensei? You look a little off, are you sad about something?"

"...*Damn this girl that can see through people.*... I'm fine, I am just tired, no thanks to Naruto."


I stared blankly at him, this kid is so troublesome​, I wonder if he ever going to make it by being Hokage. I was about to answer him back, but a certain pink haired girl beat me to it.

"You really did worn sensei out Naruto, you're really troublesome to handle now and then. Where your energy comes from is beyond us, for once stop thinking you're awesome and can do things on your own, remember the reason why we're put in a team. Whoever your wife's going to be, I will feel sorry for her, and don't even say that I'm going to be your wife, because that will never happen."

I couldn't help it but smirk at Naruto's reaction, he pouted and sulked what Sakura had said, survices him right. Lord Hokage had then cleared his throat to get our attention, and we all stared at him.

"If you want a tougher mission, then so be it. I will give you a simple C-rank mission. Send me the client Iruka."

Iruka had nodded his head and walked to the door, opening it to get out of the room, then closing it behind him. It was silent for awhile, but then Naruto broke the silence.

"So what mission will it be? Does it involve anything about fighting​?"

"Well, it's actually a gaurd mission, you will assist him to the land of waves. The client is a bridge builder."

Normal pov

Just as the Hokage finished​ his explanation, there was a knock on the door, and he let them in by yelling "come in". The door opened and Iruka walked in along with a man with a bottle in his hand, and Sakura couldn't help it but smile, it has been awhile since she last saw Tanzuna. Tanzuna leaned on the door frame and took a few gulps from his bottle, then looked at the 3 genins, but began to laugh.

"These brats? Is this a joke or something? You must be insane sending a couple of little kids to do a real shinobi's job."

Sasuke and Naruto glared at Tanzuna, ready to throw many hurtful insults at the man, but stopped when Sakura walked passed them and to Tanzuna. She stuck out her hand and smiled brightly and warmly at him.

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