Thinking of a plan, meeting the senseis again

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(This chapter will be a little confusing, I think, but I'll try to make it interesting or at least understanding, hope you enjoy this.)

Hinata pov

We sat with each other and started thinking, how are we going to this since we're 12 again? Usually Shikamaru is good at this things, we just follow him, but if he's not available, we go to Sakura for advice, both of them are good strategist​. But I can't let them do all the work, so I'm helping too, come on think Hinata think! How are we going to play this out?

"... I think I have an idea... since we went back in time, we might as well change everything that that are going to go bad."

"That's a good idea, and I think I know how to play this well, first, we will try to stop Orochimaru from killing the third Hokage."

"Yeah, and second, I will try to stop Orochimaru from place a curse mark on Sasuke, so he doesn't become a rogue ninja again."

"Correct, that will give us less work to worry about. Hinata, what do you think you're going to do?"

"Well, I won't act like myself, my people will become suspicious of me, so I have to act shy, but there's no way in hell that I'm going to act weak too."

"Hell yeah girl! The same goes for me! I'll show them I take no crap from boys!"

"...*Troublesome women​*... Okay, now that is sorted out, what else are we going to do?"

We started thinking again, well we got to tell someone we're from the future, we really can't do this alone. Sakura spoke and took the words right out of my mouth.

"Well we should tell someone we're from the future, the Hokage would be the best choice. We can't do this alone you know."

"... That's actually a good idea, when are we going to tell him?"

"Right after the primarily round, but I think we should tell this to our senseis aswell."

"... Okay agree, now that out of the way, let's see if we still have our abilities."


Sakura pov

After finding out that we still have our abilities, though the action has left the training ground really messy, we went back to the academy and waited for our​ senseis to come and pick us up, and one by one, each team were walking out, until it was just Sasuke, Naruto and me. It was quite, no one dared to break the silence, not even Naruto, but I could tell both of them are staring at me, maby it's because of my hair. Naruto was the first one to break the silence.

"Can I ask you a question Sakura?"

"... Yes Naruto, what is it?"

"Why did you cut your hair short? And why are you suddenly acting... strange."

I was silent for awhile, what am I supposed to tell him? I can't tell him the truth why I cut it short, so I had to lie, lucky for me, and thanks for Ino, I can lie without letting them see through me and these boys thinks I'm still a bad lair. I smiled at Naruto.

"Well, how should I put this, it was giving me a headache and it's just going to be in the way. And as for why I act strange is because I didn't slept well last night and the fangirls had came out of nowhere and had given me crap just because I was put in the same team as Sasuke. They were extremely annoying. I actually feel sorry for you Sasuke."



"...* It's really quite*... Anyway, why is our sensei so late?"

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