The chuunin exam part two

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(Enjoy this chapter, this will be the longest one you'll ever read.)

Ibiki stared emotionslessly at the sudden black design in front of him, clearly annoyed that the next proctor was really early again. She just had the nerve jumping through the window and break it while throwing that damn design in his face. The hyperactive woman stood in front of all the genins, smiling creepily at them.

"Hi everyone, my Name is Anko Mitarashi, and I'll be your next proctor. Are you guys ready? Good then follow me!"

Everyone stared back at her blankly, few people thinking that she is a nut case and reminds them of a certain hyperactive ninja. Ibiki come out of the design and glared at her.

"Your early again Anko."

Anko blushed and sweat dropped, really now embarrassed that she had just humiliated herself in front of the genins. She quickly pushed all it away and began to count the remaining teams, then frowned and looked at Ibiki.

"Are you getting soft Ibiki? You left 27 teams."

"Well let's just say something interesting had happened here."

"Is that so? No matter, more than half will be eliminated."

Anko suddenly smirked evilly at them, sending chills down their spine, even the time travelers was still creeped out about her. Sakura still couldn't understand why Kakashi even go out with her back in the future, she has a habit to give people nightmares.

"Yes, this is going to be really fun indeed."

' She's going to be the death of us all!'


Sakura, Hinata and Shikamaru walked to their homes to get enough rest, by tomorrow they are going to a very dangerous place. Why the second part of the exam still scares them is beyond them, they prefer to fight reanimated ninjas. They all decided to go and take a long and relaxing bath, the exam tomorrow will be very long. After five days they are so going to show off just to amuse themselves. Shikamaru was about to go to bed when suddenly his mother, Yoshino, came in with a smile.

"Oh Shikamaru~, there are two beautiful women waiting in the living room for you. Is there something I should know about?"

"...* It must be Hinata and Sakura.* They are just friends."

With that Shikamaru had walked past his mother and to the living room, and he was right, it was Sakura and Hinata. Hinata give an apologetic smile while Sakura explained their situation.

"My parents are not home, they have a business trip to the land of snow, they won't be back after a month. Hinata's father is in a meeting that won't end until the next day, Hinabi is at a friend's house and she doesn't actually want to be left alone with Neji. So can we crash here tonight?"

"... Fine, my mother will show you guys to the spare room. Goodnight girls."

"Goodnight Shikamaru."

With that Shikamaru went to his room and Yoshino showed them to their rooms where they should be staying. His father, Shikaku, only rolled his eyes and decided to go to bed himself, saying that women are troublesome. The next morning all three ninjas got up early and went to the kitchen and ate. It was 04: 30, so they still have 4 hours left for themselves. While eating and drinking, they spoke to each other.

"So, you still going to stop Orochimaru from placing a curse mark on Sasuke?"

"I will try, I still don't know if I'll be a match for him, so it will be difficult. Remember he is a Sanin."

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