The survival training

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(This chapter will be a little long, and sorry for not updating, I am going to be very busy this month, so please be patient. Enjoy this chapter!)

Sakura POV

Ah, today's the day of the survival training, and I can't wait, it will be very interesting, I will surprise everyone what I'm made of, and I believe that Hinata and Shikamaru will too. I stretched​, moaning heavenly at the feeling (don't any of you get the wrong idea). I slowly sat up and yawned, then I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower, taking my sweet time, knowing that Kakashi will be late. When I had finished showering, I walked out of the bathroom and to the closet, pulling out a new outfit that I bought before heading home, and after making fun with the fake Sasuke, that was actually Naruto, his face was priceless. I dressed myself and looked in the mirror, my outfit is black, it had a zipper on the upper half of the mini dress with a red bandage wrapped around the stomach, and it also had a collar that had looked similar to the future Sasuke's, and finally, I wore long black boots that I bought with the dress.

 I dressed myself and looked in the mirror, my outfit is black, it had a zipper on the upper half of the mini dress with a red bandage wrapped around the stomach, and it also had a collar that had looked similar to the future Sasuke's, and finally...

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I smiled, picturing the image of my comrade's faces when they see how different and bad ass I look, and it would also be funny to see Ino's face, she would be jealous at how pretty I look. After fixing my short I went down stairs and greeted my parents, and my mother smiled at me.

"Not only did you cut your hair, but you know a lot about style too. You look beautiful sweetie."

"Thanks mom, what are we having for breakfast?"

My mother smiled, she really in a good mood today, and that is never a good sign. When she smiles like that, you better run for your life.


I sighed, wondering what my mother is thinking right now, every time I ask her what she's up to or try to get a hint, she would only grin or smirk. Even though I am a A-rank ninja in a twelve year old body, I still can't figure her out, even Hinata and Shikamaru had difficulty to figure her out. As I walked to the training ground, I saw Naruto and Sasuke, one dozing off out of boredom and the other one​ leaned against the tree while folding his arms. I cleared my throat to get these two boy's attention.

"I see you guys had been waiting long. Anything interesting happened?"

"No, sensei is still late... why are you late?"

"... Sorry, I overslept, I was training to get ready for today's training. Oh, before I forget, so far that I know and heard, this is a teamwork training. We need to work together to pass this test."

Sasuke and Naruto looked at me shocked, but then looked at each and glared, and that had gone on my nerves.

"Will you two boys ever grow up? This is not the time for competing against each other."

Sasuke glared at me, calling me annoying while Naruto frowned and whined, but what made them back up and stare at me in fear is when I cracked the ground underneath me with my heel, giving them such an intense glare that would maby make Kuruma ran for the hills with his tails between his legs.

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