The chuunin exam part three

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(This will be a long chapter, enjoy!)

Hinata pov

We all made it, Sakura and Shikamaru made it, two days early, I guess coming back from the future they had the advantage to know and fight easy. I looked at Sasuke, seeing that he had a bandage around his neck, so Sakura wasn't strong enough to fight that monster. She must feel very disappointed in herself that it happened. I looked at Shikamaru, seeing that he looked worried as me, but when we looked at her, she just smiled happily. So, she used the seal huh, well that's a relief.

"So it looks like we all made it huh? That's good, now we would able to show off."

"You're right Shikamaru, we'll be the best team they have ever seen!"

I stared at Ino, she's going down, Sakura will kick her ass, though I'm going to feel sorry for her, she'll be put in a coma. We were about to take a well, long rested nap, until someone bugged us from doing so.

"Well looks like you guys made it too, that's good."

I opened my eyes to see who it is, but then glared, what the hell, Kabuto is early too? What the heck is going on, is it because of Orochimaru? I'm going to kill that bastard. I tried my best to act normal, but it's really difficult, seeing this guy makes my blood boil.

"H-Hello K-Kabuto, so you m-made it too?"

"Indeed I did, so we can relax finally relaxed, that was some tough exam."

"It was, we need the energy for the final exam. Man, all this is so troublesome."

Indeed it will, this will be the most pain in the ass of all time, why can't we just fight right now? We need to tell the Hokage after this plimarity round, it will take forever.

Two days later

The longest of my life, but it's finally that we get to show off, this will indeed be interesting. We listened to the Hokage to congratulate us for passing the second exam, then he said that this is a plimarity round because the fudal lord doesn't have time to wait long, so yeah, you get the picture. After the explanation, Hayate showed us the monitor, and we all watched who was going to go first.

Sasuke Uchiha VS Yoroi Akadō

So it's like last time, well thank God for that, but what surprised me was that why Orochimaru send his team after me and Shikamaru? Whatever it is, he must know we're on to him.

Sakura pov

This is good, the matches will be still the same, that's a relief, so everyone cleared out the ring so we can watch the show. But before I left the ring, I went to Sasuke and whispered in his ear.

"Be careful of Yoroi, he absorbs chakra, one wrong move and it will be over."

Before Sasuke could question me, I left him alone, he's going to need luck, because what had happened didn't happened this time. After a few more minutes we watched as Sasuke and Yoroi got ready to fight, and after they said they were ready, Hayate give a "go ahead" and they immediately began to fight. Sasuke was listening to my warnings he dodged Yoroi's hand, and since I healed him and sealed the curse mark, he was able to use his sharingan. Then like last time, he used Lee's technique to finish Yoroi off, but this time Sasuke's match had ended quickly.

"The winner is Sasuke Uchiha."

That's my teammate, he had just made me proud, and I bet he also had made Kakashi and Naruto proud. Sasuke put his hands in his pockets and walked to the stairs, then climbed it and then went to us. I smiled at him.

"Don't I get a 'thank you' for warning you?"

"... Thanks Sakura..."

I giggled, it sure is fun to make a Uchiha listen to me, and thank goodness he's not even complaining about it. We all watched to the monitor, waiting for it to give the next battle, and after a few more seconds, it showed the next names.

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