Meeting the Demon Brothers, encoutering Zabuza Momochi

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(Hello readers, I hope you will enjoy this, oh and when it's Sakura pov, she won't call Kakashi "Kakashi-sensei", and this chapter will be long too)

Sasuke pov

Sakura is scary, really scary, never thought to see the day that a girl would hit me (and Naruto, but that's normal), swear at me and calling me names. Who the hell taught her to have that monster strength? It's not every that some sees a pink hair girl, a very young one, but who am I to talk, to have that scary strength, she might be stronger than him. I never heard of it that someone can be strong like Sakura, I could be wrong, but I am think she's an alien from another world (close Sasuke but not likely -_-'). I need to keep a closer eye on her, she could be trouble.

"... Are you okay Sasuke? It looks like someone just lost your trust? Is it because I hit you, you big scardy cat?"

"... Annoying, but no, just something about the pass."

I wasn't lying, I never lie, when I hate something, like something, or any other sort of stuff, I'll speak out my mind. But if I don't want people to know about anything, I just keep quite, that's how I am, you can blame that on my brother, that traitor. Anyway, enough of that, we need to concentrate on our mission, sure, it's a C-rank mission, but anything can happen. Naruto was mostly quite, that was unlike him, but who can blame that dobe, Sakura had scared us, but there is no way I'll admit it.

"... Ok... if you ever feel the need to talk, we're always here, the same goes for you two too Naruto, Kakashi-sensei."

She's really weird, but, for some reason, I feel like trusting her, and what had happened that night had left me cold, but she, even the dobe had broken the walls around me. I hope they won't go through the same as my family did.


Naruto pov

I will never ever ever ever EVER will cross Sakura again, and WHO THE HELL TAUGHT HER TO PUNCH THAT HARD!!? Is she an alien or something, did I fall for an alien (really Naruto, not you too -_-')?! Sakura is awesome, I admit, but she's scary as a monster! We walked and walked and walked until I got tired of it, I wanna call out to complain, but I kept quiet, knowing that Sakura will hit me again.

"Alright everyone, just a few more hours and we can rest."

A few more- noooo! I'll die of boredom if we don't get there fast! I glance as Sasuke and saw that he was also not happy how long we should walk, but when I looked at Sakura, she just had a straight face, nodding in understanding. Great, this is going to be a drag (recognise who this is:), I just had to say;)).

"... Kakashi-sensei."

Sakura had ran to Kakashi-sensei, then whispered to him, so that no one can hear us, huh, I wonder what she's talking about because sensei had a serious look.


Sakura pov

"Sensei, do you think that pond is a bit odd? It hasn't rain in days."

Kakashi frowned, nodding in agreement that the pond was odd, obviously I would, because hello, Shikamaru, Hinata and I had been send back in time, I would know what happened! We spoke with our eyes, nodding after we decided what to do. We walked passed​ the "pond", aka the Demon Brothers, pretending​to not notice, I could feel their chakra, they are waiting just the right time to attack. When were a good distant away, they moved, jumping with poison knives on the chain and wrapped it around Kakashi.

 When were a good distant away, they moved, jumping with poison knives on the chain and wrapped it around Kakashi

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