The invasion

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(Hi everyone, this chapter will be a lot different than the ones in the episode. Enjoy this chapter!)

Sakura pov

I turned my head back to Gaara's cacoon sand, seeing that it had slowly began to break, and when I tried walking to him, Kankuro and Temari stood protectively in front of him. Gaara is unstable, the look in his eyes says everything, and he still gripped his shoulder in pain. I sighed, this is going to be a long day, especially when Gaara will change into Shukaku. I glanced around again, seeing that the crowd was asleep, and the jonins were fighting against the Sand and Sound. I am going to kill Orochimaru for this, and it won't be pretty. Hinata and Shikamaru was immediately by my side, staring emotionslessly at them. Gaara had suddenly passed out, and I want nothing more to just go by his side and heal him, not letting go, but I had to hold back.

"The sand betraying the leaf? This is such a drag, but then again we figured something like this would happen."

Kankuro, Temari and their sensei, Baki I think is his name, that had decided to join them, stared at us in shock. Hinata quickly answered their suspensios attitude.

"We ran into Orochimaru the second part of the exam, what we've heard, he's a traitor of this village. I guess he'll do anything to destroy this village, an I guess he lied to the Kazekage."

"When I get my hands on that snake, I'll make sure that he'll regret for targeting us and wished he was never born!"

Baki looked unconvinced, and the siblings, except for Gaara who was still out cold, wanted to believe us, I could see it, but they don't want to disobey him. He glared at us and sneered.

"I don't believe a word you leaf ninjas are saying. Temari, Kankuro, take Gaara somewhere safe, I'll handle this."

They nodded their heads, took Gaara and jumped away, and without Baki noticing, I jumped after them, but I lowered my speed, wanting the battle far away from the village. It's going to take awhile to change them and to get them to listen, especially Gaara.

Hinata pov

The minute Baki turned is head to make sure the siblings were gone, Sakura had jumped after them. Baki had turned his head to look at us, but his eyes winded when he saw that Sakura was gone. I suppressed my lips, trying so hard not to laugh, the look on his face was hilarious. After he was done swaying his head, he glared at us and damned us where she is. I couldn't hold it in anymore, I burst out laughing, and Shikamaru only smirked in amusement.

"Man you're slow, she already went after them. So it's just you and us."

"Hold on Shikamaru, Sakura can't handle them alone. Go after her, and take Naruto and Sasuke with you."

"... Okay, maby I can change Temari with my charms."

I rolled my eyes, amused that he was sarcastic. Shikamaru disappeared from us, knowing that he went to Sasuke and Naruto to chase after Sakura. Funny though, what I've heard, in the passed, we our past, Sakura, Naruto and Shikamaru had to chase after Sasuke. I sighed and turned my head to Genma, seeing that he was already ready to jump in and fight Baki. I smiled at him and spoke.

"Oh Genma-sensei~! Would you mind kicking Baki's ass while I go to stop those big ass snakes? I know how to stop them."

"Miss Huyga, it would be my genuine pleasure."

I smiled at him and also disappeared, ready to teach those snakes a lesson for destroying our village, my home. I saw our chuunins and jonins had a difficult time taking it down, so I send chakra to my hands.

"Huyga style: Twin Tiger Blades!"

With that I charged at the snake, managing to hit one of the snakes chakra point, making it growl/hiss out in pain. A direct hit, this should be fun.

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