*3 °Its Cray Cray, Friday!

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"Phew! Am I glad classes are over." I smile at Farha as we leave the lecture hall together. We're not the only ones who are in good spirits because it's Friday. All around me, everyone is wishing one another a wonderful weekend ahead. No one loves Friday like us students, it's like the sunrise to a beautiful weekend, and the only day we close really early, and that's 12 noon.

"Hey, can you text Kat and tell her to meet us up at your place?" I ask Farha.

"On it." She takes out her phone and starts texting away.

"I'm gonna go home and freshen up for Jum'at (Friday prayer). I'll see you later" I inform Farha, and give her a goodbye hug, then catch the nearest bus home.

Most of our girls hangout involves sleepovers, because we can be such kids sometimes! If not that then shopping, going to the movies, eating at random restaurants and other times just book shopping which is my favourite. I enjoy every bit of time we spend together and we always dream of travelling to other countries some day, in sha Allah.

"Salamualaikum guys." I greet mom and dad, kissing their cheeks.

My mom is currently a fulltime housewife, having recently completed her doctorate degree in Linguistics. She now offers online classes and tutorials to students who wish to learn English, while dad is a retired professor of Islamic Studies at the federal university. Though he still gives lectures at conferences, symposium, or any educational gathering he's invited to. Recently, he had an international conference in Egypt and took mom with him. Yup, Zahra and I were really jealous of that.

They ask after my day at school, and we talk for while before we go prepare for jum'at at the central mosque. I always love going for the Friday prayer at the mosque once in a while, though most times I pray at home. It's a nice opportunity to see people who you haven't met up with in a while, and the beautiful harmony of watching Muslims of diverse tribes come together to bow their heads to the King of the Universe.

After Jum'at, I grab my duffel bag and pack some toiletries, night clothes, a few casual wears and matching hijabs. I quickly text Farha that I'm on my way, then go to my parents' study room.
Dad's on his chair, reading a book with his glasses on, while mom's on the phone with a family member. I can tell because she always interjects Somali into her speech whenever she's talking to a relative.

I poke my head in, "Hey dad, I'm going to Farha's. Kat is going to join us too. I'll be home by Monday morning, In sha Allah."

Mom turns to me and mouths, "Go on, honey. Say hi for me", before returning to her conversation.

Dad just looks up from his book and says, "Stay safe, Nadia. No late night walks, no partying, remember?"

"Dad! I know that, trust me okay?" Same advice every time I hang out with the girls. Though he knows I'm not the party kind, he always loves repeating his 30 seconds warning. I give him a peck on the cheek, then leave.

"I'll call you later!" I yell over my shoulder.

Unlike me, Kat and Farha have their own apartments, because their homes are pretty far. So having sleepovers at their places is kinda sweet, cause we get all the privacy we need. Not that my parents won't let us have it though, I just don't think they'd like us giggling all night, while watching movies and stuffing our faces with not-so-healthy foods.

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"Please tell me you brought the Nutella. Kat, pleaaaaasssee! What's a sleepover without chocolate?!" I exclaim, rummaging through Kat's bag. I start whipping things out. Shampoo, conditioner, lotions, perfumes, deodorants, and clothes. It's a sleepover, not a freaking vacation! I dump the entire contents on the bag and realise with a shock...no Nutella!

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