*45 °Where It Begins

205 21 32


I push the door open to let myself in, stepping into the familiar warmth of my parents' house. The faint trace of the sweet-smelling incense burnt earlier soothes a bit of my worries, clearing my mind of its constant thoughts.

"Salamualaikum mom, dad." I brush a kiss across their cheeks, receiving a loving pat in return as they reply and whisper, "Allahumma baarik feek."

Standing up, I point at the warmer I'd dropped by the door, and then clear my throat, putting on a professional visage. "Your order is ready, and has been delivered. I hope you enjoy your pastries, and do patronize us again." I make a mock bow, "Thank you for ordering from..." I stop short, chuckling. "Well, I haven't thought of a brand name yet."

Dad lets out a laugh, meanwhile mom just shakes her head at me, but still amused as she tries to stop her grin from growing.

"I hope the reason you're here this early isn't because of the pastries," dad says, taking a sip of his green tea.

I'm suddenly reminded of the few minutes I'd spent with Jamal before coming here. Since it's a weekend, I'd left him in bed after a quick peck on the cheek and a salaam, not wanting to linger for a second longer lest he tempts me into staying.

"I'm wondering why you had to leave Jamal alone to rush here so early," mom mumbles under her breath. "Allah spared him from–"

She stops midway after hearing my intake of breath, and her gaze softens upon seeing my expression.

It's taken a while for Jamal to come to terms with his emotions, and since the past week, there's been a noticeable change in him. From his playful antics when helping out in the kitchen, to his frequent banter with Jahid. He's slowly reverting back to his old self, and the lack of any psychological trauma is a huge relief.

"Well, he doesn't have a problem with it. And besides, you'll be paying extra for this," I joke, wriggling my brows.

Mom's expression turns serious again.  "We heard about Jamal's aunt on the news, and I spoke with Alya after. How's the family dealing with it?"

The smile slips from my face again as the memories from Friday night flashes across my mind.
No one in the family had been expecting another threat to aunt Safiyyah's life, not when she's barely managed to recover from the attack from last year.

It's heartbreaking having to go through these phases of momentary unhappiness and worry, and we can only pray that we remain steadfast in our faith, for fear of doubt and disbelief brewing in our hearts.

I lower myself down onto the couch, weary from having to talk about the issue.
"There's nothing we can do but to pray for her safety. Nevertheless, she's being careful as well, but the wait is taking its toll on everyone. The sooner the case is closed, the better for us."

Dad nods, rubbing his chin in thought. "May Allah continue to protect her, it's a dangerous group she's dealing with, and it's so rare to see people putting themselves at risk to make other's lives better."

"I won't be surprised if she's forced to retire after this." I try to imagine it but end up failing, and it makes me smile a bit. "On second thought, aunt Safiyyah is going to put up a big fight... And she'll win for sure."

"May Allah bless her for the good she's doing," mom adds, whispering another du'a to herself.

...And also streghten her relationship with her family. I can only hope that this doesn't affect Usman and Hafsah's relationship, seeing as things have taken a different twist. Obviously, the meeting between him and Hafsah had to be postponed till a later time, perhaps after the case has been closed.

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