*13 °Moving Out? . . . Or In?

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Lectures kick off with a rush on Monday, it's so much work trying to keep up with the babbling professors. Since the semester is already half way through, it's just classes after the other. Shuffling us from laboratories to lecture halls, like dogs chasing their tails. I doubt they even care if we understand them or not.

I try to pay as much attention as I can, as they spew off a 100 words in a minute. Taking down notes, reports and assignments, all in a day. I can't blame them though, they still have a lot to cover up, with barely little time.

Farha missed school today, because she'll be arriving later in the day. She wanted to stay longer at home, but her parents were having none of it.

I meet up with Kat at an eatery on campus, her classes luckily ended earlier than mine. I use the opportunity to go over the notes I took in a hurry, rewriting some parts to make them legible and comprehensive.

She draws my attention when the sky starts to darken a bit. I send a text to mom, informing her I'll be home late because Farha just called a while back to say she'd arrived safely.

The drive to Farha's doesn't take much time. We go in without knocking and notice how disorderly things are. Her clothes are strewn all over the living room, along with wedding gifts and souvenirs.

Farha walks in, looking disheveled too, a tired but happy look on her face.

"Damn girl!", Kat comments. "You look like - - -"

Farha raises her hand to interrupt her.
"I know, I know. I look like a mess".

Kat shrugs, "I would have gone with shit or crap".

I slap her arm, "You cuss too much, Kat".

Farha smiles and opens her arms for a hug, "Come here you two, I've missed y'all so much".

I snicker, "It's been 4 days, just 4 days".

"Just give the girl a damn hug", Kat responds.

We reach out and pull her in instead, Farha wiping a fake tear from her eye.
Kat escapes first, observing all the things on the floor.

"So, how was the wedding?", I ask, taking off my hijab and blazer.

"It was amazing! Alhamdulilah, You should've seen Fahima's face, glowing with happiness and contentment", She replies.

"Ma sha Allah, that's nice to hear. I called her though, she couldn't stop smiling over the phone", I say.

"Yeah, soon, mine will come", Farha says. Kat and I give her a questioning look.

"You said soon?", Kat asks.

Farha hides her face, smiling shyly and Kat bursts out, "Farha Sana Mubarak!, You tell me right now!".

"Well", she twiddles her fingers, " I kinda met someone".

"Oh my Allah! Where?, how?! Talk girl!", I squeal.

Kat chuckles as Farha starts to narrate. "I met him at Fahima's wedding. He's a friend of the groom's family".

"Yeah?, go on silly", I say smacking her thigh lightly.

"So, we talked. First, I was kinda scared and nervous; you know, at how bold he was to just approach me like that. Then, my mom came and said that she's glad we've finally met. I was so surprised, she told me he'd been asking around about me, since he first saw me". She finishes.

"But wait. . .Have you met him before? When did he first see you?", Kat asks.

"Well, you know it's tradition to take gifts from the bride's family to the groom's". Kat and I nod at this, it's part of our culture and I'm sure all the tribes do it too.

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