*27 °The Last First Kiss

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Everything seems so different now...

I shake away the thought, thinking about how silly I am right now. Standing here in front of Kat's apartment, scared to just simply walk in...or even knock.
The door opens at that instant, making me jump back in fright.

"You know, I thought you'd lose your courage and go back", Kat says, her eyes drilling through my soul.

"I- - -"

"Just come in Nadia", she interrupts, leaving the door open and walking away.
I reach the living room and sit next to her, suddenly feeling like a stranger. To think that my life once revolved around her and Farha seems like a dream. Those endless nights we hung out, the endless talks and chatters about everything and nothing, I find myself missing them more and more.

"So, it's been a while", Kat says after a long silence.

"I know, and I have no excuse for not keeping in touch. How did we even come to this?", I ask, seeking an answer myself.

Kat turns to me, "I don't know, but I don't want to waste more time thinking about what we did or didn't do." She smiles, "We can't always be there 24/7 but we'll make the little time we have worthwhile, yeah?"

A chocked laugh escapes my lips as I nod, trying to keep the tears back. "Yeah", a hug follows with lots of laughter and a few tears.

"I can't believe we're about to graduate. Five years of hard work and studying, is it really going to be over soon?", Kat asks emotionally. I know it means a lot to her, for her to be affected by it.

The front door opens, interrupting the moment. Farha walks in, oblivious to my presence as she dumps her bag on the floor and bends to take off her shoes.

"It's so cold outside Kat, I honestly thought it was going to rain a- - -", she looks up, stopping short when she sees me.

A million expression crosses her face; surprise, guilt, sadness and anger. She stands up, still watching me. The little times I'd talked with Kat, I always asked after her, and how she was doing. Apart from that, I can't say much about the woman in front of me.

"Nadia?", she looks awfully surprised to see me, her expression saying it all.

"Hi", I smile and wave two fingers in return.

"I- - I'll be back", she says and dashes to her room.

"That was some greeting". Kat's gaze is on Farha's door, her brows furrowed. "I think you need to talk to her", she says in my direction.

"I know, I have a feeling she has a lot to say, but doesn't know how to."
I make my way to her room, opening the closed door gently. I find her seated on the bed, her head in her hands.

"Farha?" My voice shakes her out of whatever reverie she was in, as she looks up at me.

"It's been a while, I've really missed you. You've been hard to keep up with these days". I sit next to her on the bed, clearing away a pile of clothes.

She laughs a little, the sound forced and a bit fake. "I was just busy with work and everything".

"That's not how I felt, I thought you were ignoring me on purpose. Farha, if there's anything I did wrong I want to hear it."

She shakes her head, "That's the thing, you didn't do anything and yet...", she sigh of exasperation, "I didn't know how to be around you then".

"You're not making any sense".

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