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Jahid's been like a rollercoaster ever since he came home, and it's barely been a week at that. I can't tell if he's happy about me being home, or just having someone else to hang around with. He rarely spends his holidays at home, choosing to stay wherever he pleases with any of our uncles, since he always complains about how lonely the house is with just mom and dad.

I spin the ball on my finger as I lay on Jahid's bed, watching him walk across the room with books in his arms. After a game of basketball, -which I'd won-, Jahid's decided to arrange his room a bit, especially his shelf.

"Did you really study all those books at your school? ", I ask inquisitively, noticing the heavy books he's shelving.

"Yep ", He replies with a grin, after catching the ball I'd just thrown to him effortlessly. "I should've beaten you at that game, you know? " He says, sending it back to me.

I snort a reply, "Keep telling yourself that, though you did a really impressive slam dunk back there", I add quietly, "Seeing as you've grown like one of Jack's magic beans".

He laughs, obviously hearing the little dig. "Anyway, back to the books", He taps his chin, peering at the books he's already put in, and starts listing them off.

"There's Adab, Tawheed, Fiqh, Tafseer Ibn Katheer, Hadith, and..", He takes out another book from the bag on the floor, Arabic inscription lining the front, back and spine. "Aha! Bulugul-maram! ", He says victoriously, adding it to the shelf.

"How do you even study all that? And still have time for Maths and Physics? ", I ask skeptically, eyeing all the leather backs with Arabic inscriptions.

"It's not so hard when you get the hang of it", He fills the row with another book, this one a copy of the translation of the Quran. "Besides, it's as important to learn about your
Deen, as it is to learn about algebra, Quantum's theory and Newton's laws", He replies in a flourish, stacking the first row of the shelf with novels and other book.

"Still looks like a lot to take on in just 6 years though".

"That's what most think, but I wouldn't want it any other way. How else could I have found my faith? ", He shakes his head, a smile on his face. "That aside, tell me about this girl who's coming tomorrow. How come I've never met her before? ", He asks with a frown.

I keep playing with the ball, deciding to ignore his question. He's been asking the same thing for days, and I haven't been forthcoming with answers. Probably because I know Badra doesn't go in line with the type of girl Jahid would like as a sister in-law.

"Why is it so important? You'll see her eventually, barely 24hours away", I reply in a bored tone, getting up.

He bounces on the bed, coming to lie behind me. He snatches the ball, proceeding to do a couple of flips in the air. "Well I want to know what she's like if she's coming into the family".

"Like I said, tomorrow." I walk to door, suddenly realising I have a couple of memos to send to some of the staff.
Good excuse to leave too, huh?

"Come on brother...", He pleads, but I end up shutting the door, muting the rest of his words.

I bump into aunty A after stepping out of Jahid's room. She's carrying a big wicker basket filled with clothes.

"Let me help you with that", I make to take it out of her arms, but she waves me away.

"Jahid left them on the line, I'm just bringing them up for him", She replies, rapping her knuckles on his door.

"You should let him do his own chores, here I'll take it in for you", I pluck the basket out of her arms before she protests and walk back into the room.

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