*26 °The Other Side Of You (2)

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The board meeting ends a little bit past the scheduled time, but nonetheless, we had a lot to discuss about and review.

I let myself into the office and slump into the chair, at the same time rubbing my forehead. Pulling out a drawer, I take out my phone to check for any missed calls and texts. Nadia's name appears at the call log, apparently she'd been trying to reach me. I remember I'd promised to pick her up from school so we can pay a visit to her parents. With her exams ending by mid day, I thought it'd be a good idea. Guess not.

"Salamualaikum", she answers on the first ring.

"Wa alaikum salam ", I reply, working out a way to tell her about the change of plans.

"Let me guess, you're not done at the office?", she asks, as if reading my mind.

It's awfully disappointing that I'm not keeping  to my words, and I hate that I'm doing it, especially since she'd requested herself to visit home.
"I'm not", the words come out guiltily and apologetic. "I'm really sorry, I thought I'd be through on time".

I hear her sigh on the other end, "It's okay, you wouldn't have backed out if you weren't busy, so I understand. Maybe some other time we'll go together In sha Allah".

A huge sense of relief washes over me as I realise she's not too upset about it as I thought she'd be. We proceed to talk for a few more minutes before hanging up, coming to a compromise that she'd go alone, and I'd pick her up in the evening.

The previous days with Nadia have been blissful, though we just talk about random things sometimes. It's nice to finally have an insight on her thoughts, her being free enough to say whatever she wants around me.
When Umar opens the door, he looks a bit surprised, and I realize I have a silly grin on my face, staring into space.

"Uhm, Sir?", he calls out clearly.

"Yes Umar, do you need anything?"

"Well, there are two people in the reception area waiting to see you, and ah..." he trails off a bit, "Uhm, one of them is uhh", he seems unable to carry on, his eyes wandering around the office.

I raise a brow, finding his act funny and confusing. "Just send them in", I request. He sighs visibly, nodding and already out the door.
Gathering the scattered papers on the desk, I arrange them in a neat order. First thing about meeting prospective clients, is that you always have to leave a good first impression, in terms of character and appearance. That has always been a natural for us though, and has helped in acquiring more deals.

The knob twists, and a man walks in. Short, round face, and a warm smile in place. He leaves the door open for his partner, and that's when she comes in.


She stares at me for a while, a million emotions in her eyes, before perching herself on the chair beside the man.

I drag my gaze from her, and focus on the man she came with. Business first, I remind myself, pushing all questions and inquiries aside.

"Mr. Ziyad, it's nice to finally meet you. I'm Freddy Isa", the man says pleasantly, stretching out a hand for a shake.

"Finally?", I ask, taking his sturdy hand in mine.

"Well, yes. Badra here" -he gestures towards her- "was the one who recommended you to me, couldn't stop talking about the fine works you do".

She offers a small smile and a nod upon seeing the surprised look on my face. Returning the smile, I turn my attention fully towards Mr. Isa, getting down to business.

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