*24 °Crossing The Threshold

382 40 7

🎉 Wishing a very special person, a very special birthday @faridailyas 🎉


I knock gently on the door and wait for a reply before going in. I find her sitting on the edge of my bed, her hands clasped tightly on her laps. I remember the tears she'd shed when her family came to drop her off, and how tightly she'd held on to her mom. I can only hope that she accepts this new journey with an open heart, and maybe... just maybe, we can make this work.

In sha Allah.


"Salamualaikum", she replies instead.

A soft chuckle escapes my lips, "Wa alaikum salam. Ah, I'll have to get used to that." I notice she's still in her wedding dress, and realize she must be uncomfortable. "Do you need to change? We can pray afterwards".

She nods a little, before getting up, and makes her way to the luggage that's beside the wardrobe. I try not to follow her every movement, but end up failing at it. She struggles with the zip of the leather box, unable to open it.

"Uhm, can you please help me with this?", she let's out a little huff.

I crouch low to her position, and tug the box to myself, getting it open easily. Our hands touch momentarily and she flinches a little. She hides her face and exits to the bathroom in a flash, while I leave the room to use Jahid's. I return to find her sitting on the mat waiting, her attire already changed. Taking my spot in front of her, I lead us both in the salah of two raka'ats, and make the du'a according to the sunnah of the prophet (S.A.W). When we're through, I notice she has a surprised look on her face, curiosity etched across her features.

"Something wrong? ", I ask, tilting my head to one side.

She shakes her head, slightly embarrassed. "I...uhm, nothing", she replies.

"I may not be a Hafiz and all, but I do have a good knowledge about my religion and it's teachings", I relate, getting up.

"No no. I wasn't thinking about that", she blurts out in a rush, now completely embarrassed.
I crouch low to her, invading her space. Her breath hitches at our close proximity, and I can see her battle with herself to not move away, though her eyes give off warning signals.

"Then what are you thinking about, my beautiful wife?", I lift a hand slowly to her face, gauging her reaction. She turns away, and I drop my hand, lifting myself off the ground. "Do you want anything to eat?", I ask instead, trying to ease the tension a little.

She doesn't look up as she shakes her head, and I decide not to press further, making a mental note to ask mom to get her to eat. I make my way downstairs, my thoughts distorted with what just happened in my room. I'm starting to think that maybe she was pressured into this, although she acted pretty normal at the wedding.

"Hey, here comes the husband!", Usman's yell strays me off my thoughts, and I plaster on a smile as I approach the living room. "What are you doing down here?, I thought we wouldn't see again till say...hmm, a week? ", he grins, and everyone laughs at his remark.

I roll my eyes, "And you? I thought you'd rid us of your presence by now".

"He's just indirectly asking me to stay longer", he explains to Hafsah, who passes a shy smile, and he grins even more.

I stalk over to his side casually, and place a hand on his shoulder. "Back off, cousin", I warn, narrowing my eyes at him.

He raises his hands defensively, then winks. I leave the chatter behind and head to the kitchen, then lean against the counter and watch the familial intimacy amongst them.

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