*32 °Three Little Words

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The season starts to change as the days speed by; the trees embrace the season as they begin to lose their luscious colours, littering the ground below with brownish coloured dead leaves.

Looking out the window at the night sky, it's hard to believe how different life feels now, compared to when I'd just returned to the country, with everything that's happened along the way. From taking over the company, making new friends and building new relationships. If someone had told me a year ago, that I'd end up with Nadia, I never would've believed it. But looking back on all the time we've spent together; from the first awkward days after our nikkah, to the months that followed, I can't picture a future without her in it. She's become my home, and it's as simple and complex as that.

Intertwined with the pleasurable moments, are days where we can't be 100% tolerant towards the other. There are days we frustrate each another, moments of weakness when we feel like walking away and nights when we lay together comforting one another. We can't predict what the next day brings, but we can rely on the love Allah has placed in our hearts to help us pull through.

The shrill sound of the door opening pulls me out of my thoughts as I turn my attention towards it. Nadia walks in, her familiar lavender scent permeating the air. She balances a platter on one hand and closes the door with the other.

I frown slightly at her weary state, quickly taking the plate out of her hand. After the birthday cake she'd made for aunt Sima's friend, she's been getting more requests and orders for different baked goods. The last one was a week ago, when a customer had asked for 10 batches of cupcakes with varying flavours. I'd helped out as much as she let me, and that was after I'd persuaded her to. Nevertheless, she still took on more of the work, leaving little for me to help with, and she's only able to do all these at night when she returns from work and on weekends as well.

She's currently observing her mandatory NYSC (National Youth Service Corps) at an industrial food company, serving as one of their lab technicians. She was ecstatic when she'd realised that she wouldn't be serving in another state far away.

"Why did you have to bring this up? I was about to come downstairs." I set the plate of cookies aside and sit her down on the bed. "You could have sent Hafsah or even Jahid."

She shakes her head like a little child, "Hafsah has an exam next week, so she's currently banned from the kitchen and Jahid just returned from his Quran classes."

I'm about to protest further when she adds, "I'm aware Hafsah would have loved to help, but you equally know this is her first semester in the university. She needs to concentrate as much as she can on her studies."

"You've been working too hard this past week and you need to rest Nadia, Ramadan starts in a week in sha Allah" I argue further. "You were also up on your feet through out yesterday as well for Jahid's birthday party."

She smiles, "Which I enjoyed, Jahid had a blast because everything went according to plan. Aunt Safy and Sumayyah even commended my baking skills." She touches my arm lightly, "Whatever I do and can do for my family will never feel like a burden to me, Jamal."

A sigh escapes my lips as I shake my head in defeat, "You just won't let me have my way, will you?"

She releases a yawn, looking extremely tired in that moment. "Nope! Not this time," she drops a peck on my cheek and proceeds to make herself comfortable on the bed.  "I think I'm going to sleep now. Wish ummi and uncle goodnight for me, I don't think I can go downstairs again."

"You haven't had dinner yet," I state, moving strands of hair out of her face. 

She mumbles, snuggling into the pillow. "Had a piece of Jahid's birthday cake earlier, I'm not hungry."

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