*18 °Second Chances

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"And that's how I got the business moving ", Imran finishes with a smile.
The topic veers off to sports, politics and business again. It's nice to have a chat with someone familiar, a friend more or less.
I'd decided to take a break from my usual routine of spending every evening on my own, holed up in my room, or with mom and dad.

A single phone call, and I'd managed to snatch some of Imran's peaceful time away from him. Nevertheless, he was ecstatic about me coming over.

"So tell me, are you married or what? " He asks suddenly, a lopsided grin on his face.

"No, not yet... That topic is actually something I'm trying to take a break from", I respond grimly.

Imran lets out a chortle, "I know exactly where you're coming from. Before Huda, my mom kept on breathing on my neck to get married. I'd just completed my masters then, and joined the business. According to my mother, the next thing I needed was a good wife". He shakes his head, still smiling.

"Same thoughts mine has", I add, thinking about the boring gazes mom's been giving me recently. Whatever that's about.

"Well, you're a bit lucky. At least she didn't use the baby tactic".

"Wait... You mean they one where they go, 'I'm getting old and need to see my grandchildren before I die?' ", I ask, already cracking up.

"Exactly, my mother used that line a lot, till I started dreaming of babies", he says through laughs.
"I got tired of hearing her complain all the time, so much that I had to give her the task of 'wife hunting' ", he makes air quotes. "Besides I didn't have a girl in mind, I just left it to her".

"Oh I see, so you let your mother do the dirty work for you huh?, smart guy", I give off a mock salute.

He shrugs, "I don't mind, and I got lucky. She picked the best".

Arranged marriage? Now I get why he was smiling at the lecture. So obvious.

"My wife was a niqabi before we got married, and still is. So don't be shocked when you see her", He says in a teasing tone.

"Wow, I wasn't expecting that". I'm sure I have a surprised expression on my face right now.

"Neither was I. But she agreed to the union willingly, and the night I took her home, she'd told me point blank that she'd only married me for family honour." He moves forward and scoops the remote from the table, changing the channel.

"Family? ", I ask, confused .

"We're distant cousins. Even I didn't know of her existence till then.", He replies. "But nonetheless, she's the best thing ever", He says, a spark in his eyes.

Just then, the connecting door opens to reveal a woman clad in hijab, with a black cloth covering the features of her face. Only her eyes are visible, gauging my presence.
"Salamualaikum", Comes the muffled voice, as she makes her way over to her husband's side.

"Wasalam", Imran replies, grinning.

"Sorry for my absence. I had a guest, and well, you know how women tend to be", She informs politely, her voice steady.
"I trust my husband has been keeping you well entertained.", She says, looking towards Imran with teasing eyes. " I bet he even told you about how we married. He just loves that story ", She ends with a chuckle.

"He did", I affirm.
It's impossible to miss the bond they have, or how Imran looks at her, like he can't believe she's truly his.
Perhaps it's time I really get hitched, I muse with a small smile.

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