*31 °A Ripple of Trouble

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When the doorbell had sounded earlier, I'd expected to see Jamal at the front door and certainly not Badra. I couldn't think of a reason why he'd invite her here again after the last time except that it had to do with work, but even then, it shouldn't be at the house. I'd pushed every argument down and decided to be reasonable, letting her in with a smile and trying to be civil. Ever since our encounter at the wedding and learning what she'd done to Jamal, she'd changed my thoughts about her, no longer the woman I'd met months ago at the Islamic programme. I'd felt queasy ever since she started working with Jamal, not finding her smiles and behaviour convincing enough. But I'd chalked it up to baseless paranoia and discomfort.

Jamal steps into the kitchen and I know he wants to talk. I turn around and tell him to attend to her first, since she's been waiting for quite a while. I notice the hesitation in his eyes and smile to show him I'm fine with it. However I may feel about Badra, I can't let it interfere with his work...or us.

They talk for a few minutes before he leaves the living room, heading upstairs. Glad that the brief meeting will soon be over, I concentrate on the food on the gas, then return to chopping up the vegetables on the counter.

"Must be nice being married to a rich man," the words pierce my ears, the tone condensing. I turn to find Badra in the kitchen, her eyes roaming with a calculating look.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, keeping a blank expression. If she's trying to rile me up, then she's going to be very disappointed.

She smiles, all sugary and equally threatening. "Oh, I didn't mean anything. I just noticed the car outside and anyway...congratulations, I guess."

"Thank you," I reply curtly, wanting this awkward conversation to end. I return to the task at hand, hoping she'd take it as a cue and leave the kitchen.

Her heels click against the tiles, the sound louder as she draws closer obviously not leaving. "You know, one of the things I regret most is letting Jamal go so easily and I would do anything to get him back."

I whip around to confront her, the knife still clutched tightly in my hand. "What's your problem?" I frown at her, anger brimming closer to the surface as I try to put my emotions in check.

She takes a step closer and leans to whisper in my ear, "You."

That's when everything happens in a blur, she slashes her wrist against the sharp edge of the knife in a lightening quick motion, smiling as she watches the blood drip down in red streams and then...she let's out a screeching scream.

It seems like just seconds after that Jamal comes running down the stairs and into the kitchen.
His gaze sweeps the scene in front of him, his mouth slightly opened and looking pale.

I realise the knife is still in my hand and let it fall to the ground with a clattering sound, sending blood drops all over the tiles. Badra runs into his arms immediately, holding onto her bloody hand and moaning.

"Nadia, what happened?" The look of disbelief fills his expression, panic written all over it and I feel my throat tighten up.

"I...," my brows furrow in confusion, my brain refusing to process what just occurred.

"I was just trying t--to make small talk Jamal," Badra says, her voice laced with fear and pain. "She asked me to leave her alone, bb--but I wanted to be friendly to her because of you. I didn't...expect her to..." She pauses for a breath. "I think it was just an accident, she didn't mean it."

I stare at her in shock as she holds onto his shirt like she's about to fall. I meet Jamal's gaze and his eyes send another wave of chills through me.

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