Sun is The Light

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This is for countless times happened to me. Again. I run for my life. It wasn't like I hunted by a serial killer or something but it felt like that. It was the big five. The bullies run after me and my instinct told me to run. Run baby run. I run around school, tried to find place to hide. I wanted to escape from them. They kept run after me. Scream my name, not my name but 'mushroom'.

I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Oh but people in this stupid school called me mushroom. I didn't know why and when I got that awful name but it happened and I got used to it now. I'm cute in my way, that for sure. Hey, don't laugh. I should proud of myself you know. I couldn't say I'm handsome because I think I'm not. But my mom called my cutie potatie. I didn't know what it is mean but I will say it is mean cute. Yes, I'm cute. Like or not, I'm cute!

Okay, why they called me mushroom? I didn't know. Better you asked Copper yourself if you dare. But from what I knew, he called me like that because I look like mushroom in his eyes. Is he blind? I should describe myself. I'm tall enough for high school student. My height is 175 cm. I have a hair cut like a bowl and I use harry potter glasses because my short eye sight. Okay, I got it why he called me mushroom.

Back to business. I run all over the school. Run for my life because I didn't want got bullied today. I yelled to shoo someone afar from me. He looked at me and looked at the big five in the back. His eyes widen opened. He run beside me. Followed me wherever I go. I hide in the music class. He still beside me. Hide. I looked at him. Confused. Why the hell he followed me? Is he crazy or something. I looked at him again. He not familiar. I never saw him before.

"Why did you run with me?"
"I don't know. I saw you run and those people run, so I run"

I frowned. Is he crazy? Is he dumb? I wanted to tell him something but I stopped when I heard those voices that looking for me. I covered his mouth to shut him up. I didn't want they found me. After few minutes there was no voices and I felt we safe, I pulled back my hand.

"I never saw you before, are you a new student?"

"Yes, I just transfered today. I'm looking for school office" he smiled at me. Well, he look nice. Cute. And when he smiled, his eyes become small. It is cuteness overload. I bid him goodbye and told him where the school office at. I went to my class and sit on my seat. Finally, I safe when I heard bell rang.

I saw Inn came and he stared at me. He is one of the big five. The bullies. I thought he is the nicest among the five. But a bully still a bully, even though that person is nice. I looked away. I didn't know what problems he had on me. As I remembered, I never done something bad to him. Maybe because he is friend with Copper.

"Show respect!" that was Nam. She is a class president. And I saw our teacher came. The class went so fast in a blink eyes. I hated it. Couldn't it be a lil bit longer? I wanted it end when school end, so I could go to home safely. I didn't need break time. I just wanted study and went home. That is. No break time because break time means bully time for me.

I ate my lunch in the back of school. This place is so quiet. No one came here as I remembered. They usually spent their break time in canteen and class. But for me, I like to be here. Alone. And no bully.

"It is you again!" someone spoke to me with cheerful voice. I looked to that person. He again. The boy who run with me. The crazy boy. I beamed. He sat near me without asked for my permission. He smiled.

"You eat here alone? Where is your friends?" Okay, i need to punch his cute face when he asked me about friends. I hated it. The truth, I didn't have any friends in this school. I tried to make a friend but whenever I tried, people turned me down. They afraid if they made a fiend with me, they will become a loser. They will become Copper's victims. So, I stop tried. And for times passed, I was getting used to be all alone till now.

"Well well well... Our mushroom has nice time with his new friend!" that the devil voice. Copper. I saw he stood up with his friends. Inn is beside him and the other three on the back. I got stiffed when I heard his voice. My nerve wrecked. I got nervouse automatically. I thought the crazy boy sensed my horor over Copper and his gang. He stood up when Copper tried to approached me. He blocked him before he reached me.

 He blocked him before he reached me

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"Don't interfere me. Mind your business!" Copper said hold his anger.

"If I don't want to, what will you do?" Copper wanted to punch him but Inn hold him. Inn stopped him.

"Please, don't get involved in this matter" Inn said to that crazy cute boy. That boy leaned his body to Inn and whispered something to Inn. It made Inn shocked and blushed. Was it right? I saw Inn blushed? What that boy said that could made Inn blushed? Inn stepped back and walked away. Copper looked at him confused and also the other three. He called Inn's name and run after him. I looked at them with confusion. That boy just smiled.

That boy sat back in his previous seat. I looked at him. Okay, despite his cuteness that very overload, this boy has something else. He is very special. What was it? I didn't know. But he could shoo those big five. He could fight them back. He fought them back. I screamed of happiness in my mind. He is my light in this dark world!

"What did you do to Inn?"
"The boy that you whispered something...and what you said to him?"
"Oooo...that boy. Nothing. I just teased him" he smiled again. Weird!

Okay, this boy is weird but something. I didn't know what it is but I like him. I meant, like him just like a friend you know. Not in romantic way. Hmmm... I never have had romantic feeling for someone. But I hope someday I will. I hope so.

"I am Oh, by the way. And you are?"
"Sun. Just call me Sun!" he smiled cutely.


Finally I made Sun become brave and can fight back!
Sun is my favorite character in the series and I wanted to make something different about him in this story
So here is it 😊

I change a lot of plot in this story like Sun is not in same class with Oh and Inn but he is in same class with Copper

I wanted to add InnxSun moment but I still need more of Oh POV... Hmmmm maybe later 😉

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